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Castle Paradox
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    1) 5.0000
        AW - Unsettling Theme by Rimudora
        Bob the Gangsta by 8bit
        That Money [DEMO] by 8bit
    2) 4.5000
        Classical Dream by Setu_Firestorm
        AW - The Steel Angel's Frenzy by Rimudora
8-Bit Graphics Set
This is the final version
Download: 1.11 MB Updated Fri Apr 15, 2022 10:31 pm
Total Download count: 539
Number of reviews: 0
Average Grade: N/A
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Not a game, but a set of graphics complete enough that somebody could hypothetically make a game out of it. Inspired by someone mentioning to me back around February that a set of sprites I submitted to Hamsterspeak years ago was one of the most complete "free-for-use" sprite sets that existed at the time. My first thought was basically "wait, what? really? those old things are horribly incomplete, there isn't even an inside-house tileset, nobody could make a full game from just those!" and then immediately I started working on this.

Most of a year later, after much procrastination (of course) and also quite a few add-ons to the original plan, they're finally done.

Includes 55 hero sprite sets, 135 walkabouts, 190 enemies (60 small, 80 medium, 50 large), 145 attack animations, 60 weapons, 25 tilesets, and 35 battle backdrops. Oh, and a set of box edges, but that's basically just the default one.


June 14th, 2017 UPDATE: Fixed a small coloring error in a couple of tiles, and also added a second version of the RPG file with layer-compatible graphics.

June 18th, 2017 UPDATE: Some things were moved around in the tilesets to make certain things easier without adding an extra layer or two.

Jan 1st 2018 UPDATE: Added a bunch of new graphics! Most notably, there are now more than twice as many options for hero graphics, including elves, dwarves, orcs, and a variety of others that previously only had enemy and walkabout sprites. Also new are a bunch of enemies, attacks, and weapons -- check the readme included for a full list of everything that's been added!

Jan 30th 2022 UPDATE: My final updates to this set of graphics. I've expanded upon every graphics type except maptiles once again, and also fixed a few minor "oopsies" in previous versions of a few sprites (non-transparent black or extra colors used by accident.) The included readme file will tell you exactly what was changed and added, as always. Of course, Castle Paradox may not even let me upload the updated file, even if it *claims* to -- it doesn't seem to be fully functional lately.

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