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Castle Paradox
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    1) Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams reviewed by JSH357
    2) Vikings Of Midgard reviewed by MirceaKitsune
    3) Bug on the Wall reviewed by JSH357
    4) Tightfloss Maiden reviewed by yhposolihP
    5) A Blank Mind reviewed by Dorumagesu
Fantasy Under A Blue Moon Xv4
White Owl
This is the final version
Download: 1.68 MB Added Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:28 am
Total Download count: 1423
Number of reviews: 2
Average Grade: A
Number of ratings: 8
Average rating: 2.8750
Your rating:
Description [-]

Well, I did it again. This one is done. If anyone has any problems
of any type with the game, E-mail me at If the
game is too hard or too easy tell me that as well. Have fun.

White Owl

Download Stats [+]

Review # 1
  Reviewed by Xerian
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: A
  "Difficulty and a few bugs are the only thing keeping this game from being really good. If it is completed, it will totally be an OHR classic or whatever you would like to call it. Get it now!"
Review # 2
  Reviewed by djfenix
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: A
  "Why are you still reading? GET IT ALREADY!!!"

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