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Castle Paradox
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 1) 5 hits
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+4 Gauntlets of the Dragon by Scython reaper
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+3 Final Fantasy H by Fenrir-Lunaris
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Eternal Flame I
Old OHR Games
This is the final version
Download: 465 KB Added Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:32 am
Total Download count: 321
Number of reviews: 1
Average Grade: F-
Number of ratings: 0
Average rating: N/A
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Description [-]
by U.C.S. Company - 2000-2002?

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Review # 1
  Reviewed by Meatballsub
  Playtime: 1 hours and minutes
  Overall: F-
  "If Vikings of Midgard is our model introductory game, then Eternal Flame is its polar opposite. It touches on pretty much everything that a person should NOT do when making a game."

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