Them's Fightin'
Words |
For technical reasons (cough-thunderstorms-cough), I've been mostly offline since doing the week five review. I come back to see week NINE up... holy flock! I'd better get writing!
Graphics |
Everything new is related to the challenges the remaining players are put through, except for the text screen of eliminated players... but since that's just text, let's not count it.
Storyline |
Sorry, sorry, everything's just bizzare. Most of this episode is taken up by the challenges, with a few snatches of character interactions in between. The challenges pit the remaining players against eliminated players, each in a different competition. So much time is spent on the challenges that even with Giz and CN finding JSH's stuff, I feel cheated.
Gameplay |
Battle |
Map Design |
Balance |
Music |
Enjoyment |
Of all the weeks so far, this one left me thinking "WHAT???" the most.
Final Blows |
The things JSH has to resort to, to keep the show interesting... reminds you of the real reality shows, doesn't it? Given that, it holds up remarkably well.

Few things in this world can make CN scream like that... |
Final Scores
Graphics: 8/10.0 |
Feels rushed.
Storyline: 9/10.0
Does it seem to you, like it does to me, that JSH is getting bored making these? |
Gameplay: 5/10.0 |
Music: 5/10.0
N/A |
Enjoyment: 9/10.0
Not that bad, m'man. Not bad at all. |
Overall Grade:
A- |
Final Thoughts |
Week Six - Competition |