Them's Fightin'
Words |
See Week One.
Graphics |
Well... the Zantetsuken Memorial is new.
Storyline |
According to Jesus, they're not waiting a week, and yet the menu still calls it week eight. So somehow without spending a week on the memorial stage... they're spending a week on the memorial stage.
There's little story here, this time around. First the remaining housemates vote, then those that had been eliminated vote. Then came the wild card. Every reality show has a wild card. This time around the OHR Community was asked to vote for someone to come back in from among the eliminated.
And is anyone seriously surprised about the results?
Gameplay |
See Week One... Foo!
Battle |
I pity the foo who don't be lookin' at week one!
Map Design |
*points up*
Balance |
*with a big neon sign*
Music |
*and sirens*
Enjoyment |
Perhaps it was that everyone was in the same room again... I liked this episode more than the previous one. Okay, so there wasn't any real tension, but there is something refreshing about having Leroy grate on my nerves again. Or maybe it's like the one Tiny Toons episode where the Toons made their own animation... with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as judges and their pick was the absolute shortest animation of the day - Plucky Duck's.
Final Blows |
Actually, I'm certainly glad this week's so short... means the review is short, too.

They pay you? I thought this was freeware. |
Final Scores
Graphics: 7.5/10.0 |
See Week One.
Storyline: 9/10.0
Short, sweet. |
Gameplay: 5/10.0 |
See Week One.
Music: 5/10.0
See Week One. |
Enjoyment: 9/10.0
Maybe I'm just nutty... this one had the best Results Show yet. |
Overall Grade:
A- |
Final Thoughts |
Week Eight - Guess Who's Back? |