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    1) Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams reviewed by JSH357
    2) Vikings Of Midgard reviewed by MirceaKitsune
    3) Bug on the Wall reviewed by JSH357
    4) Tightfloss Maiden reviewed by yhposolihP
    5) A Blank Mind reviewed by Dorumagesu
MC: Tsunami City vs. Tsunamidog
MC: Tsunami City I shall now talk to the giant green blob!
Download: 109 KB
Play Time: 1 hours and 30 minutes
Review # 3 for Tsunamidog I shall now talk to the giant green blob!
Them's Fightin' Words
    Sometimes you play a great game that totally makes you say, 'WOW!' Well, this is definitely not one of those games. I had never actually played the whole game through until now. At first, when in OHR Weekly, Shadowiii was talking about how the game wasn't very good, I thought that he had no idea what he was talking about and my game was good and he wasn't. But after playing it, I figured out that he did know what he was talking about, and he was completely right about pretty much everything. This Halloween Contest entry of 2004 turned out to not be scary and is what you would all call, a newbie game.
    Ugh. Lets start out with the map tiles. Most of the map tiles are just used over and over, but with different colors. All of the inside rooms were literally all grey, or sometimes it had maybe a pool, of a puddle of blood. Other than those the rooms were grey. And towards the end of the game, when your inside the whole time...grey starts to get boring after an hour staring at it. The outside tiles aren’t much better. The buildings are just painful to look at. Especially in the city. The bricks don't fit together, and the plaster buildings are again, well, grey. The landscaping in the city looks like a wall, and in the country it looks like a carpet for your bedroom because it looks completely flat.
Now to the NPC's/Heros/Enemies. Probably the most annoying thing about this game is that instead of a clear NPC, I just have the green blob boss who you work for in a palette so he looks like a hole in the ground. And it would be freighting that about every 20 steps you had to step on a hole. That brings me to my next point, the entire game, everything is used in one palette! Yes, only one! That’s why everything looks so similar.
Now on to the final part, Heroes and Enemies. The only bad thing really about the heroes is that as you can obviously tell, they seem to have no arms or legs. They look like a head on a stick with big hair. The enemies are pathetic looking until the end of the game. In the end you got okay-looking monsters. But in the beginning, you face things that are clear enough that you know what they are, but they still look like crap. You haven't seen a badly drawn monster until you've seen 'Something Odd', the white creature you face all through the game.

    This is the only reason I didn't give my game an F-. The story starts out simple. You’re a new SWAT Team Agent in Tsunami City. You go out and bust some criminals real quick. (and I mean REALLY quick) You only have one fight with some criminals and that’s it. Then you go into houses with monsters and stuff for no apparent reason. You end up telling the boss and....he believes you. That’s highly doubtful, but it happens. You then meet up with another SWAT guy and go to a secret research lab, where there’s well, what do expect? More monsters. At the very end, there’s a BIG plot twist and the game ends. I still think the story was still bad and doesn't deserve a high grade. The only good part is the very end. But still, it's nothing special at all.
    This is another down point in this game, the game play. The first thing you'll recognize in this game is that in battle you'll have the option to heal yourself. Usually people like that, including me, but the problem is that the enemies never hit you. (see battle for more stuff on that) Another thing is that there are no items. No, not one single item. The only things there is in this game is your pistol, which you start out with, a revolver which the boss gives you, and health, but you don't collect that. At the stores, you can buy more Pistols, Revolvers, and health. But if your halfway smart you know that you don't need them.
    If I could use one word for this section in this review it would be: easy. Yes, easy. In the beginning of this game you face these monsters that couldn't hit you if you just stood there for five minutes straight just looking at them. Later, they can hit you, but what good does it do if their five times slower than you and you can always heal yourself. When you end up in the lab some of the monsters will actually hit you. Their a good challenge if you don't know what your doing. But pretty much all of you know what your doing, so you'll just whip by a challenge. The bosses aren't hard either, some of the regular enemies are harder then the bosses.
  Map Design
    In this game you'll experience what everyone here refers to as "Newbie Map Syndrome". As you can tell from looking at the bottom screenshot. You experience this about every time your inside, which is a lot. Outside in the city it's all just one huge road with buildings along it. Hardly seems like a whole city, huh. The maps have no real variety, it's basically the same stuff over and over. The maps are all very simple and boring.
    Balance? There is no balance in this game. Well okay, there’s little. You can squish the enemy in any part of the game. As said before, you can always heal yourself. Your weapons can kill any monster in the game with one tap of the spacebar. Finally, almost all of the monsters miss you every time they attack....which is almost never.
    I can't play BAM so I just chose songs randomly. According to Shadowiii, they suck.
    I made the game, and I didn't enjoy it much at all. That says a lot. You probably won’t enjoy either because of its easy fights, bad maps, and boring game play. It's basically just something to waste an hour and a half of time.
Final Blows
    If they made a place here were there was only bad games this would probably be one of the first ones to go. This was my first game using OHR, and usually people's first OHR games aren't very good. Like this one. The final thought: Avoid this game.
Something seems a little wrong here.....

Something seems a little wrong here.....
Final Scores
Graphics: 1.5/10.0
If you love seeing the same stuff over and over, you'll love staring at this game.
Storyline: 2/10.0
Boring, and unoriginal. The only thing good here, and the reason this game doesn't have an F- is because of the plot twist at the end of the game.
Gameplay: 1/10.0
Nothing. The gameplay is nothing. Enough said.
Music: 1/10.0
I can't tell, my computer doesn't play BAM.
Enjoyment: 1/10.0
If you love walking and fighting, you'll really think this game is awsome.
Overall Grade: F
Final Thoughts
    When I say this game sucks, and I made it, it means this isn't a good game.  

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