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 1) 8 hits
+8 Bok's Expedition by FnrrfYgmSchnish
 2) 7 hits
+7 Legend Of Zelda (NES) Graphics by binoal
+7 Maze of the Red Mage by Moogle1
+7 Vore Day RPG by Ronin Catholic
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+6 Club Nova by MirceaKitsune
Review List
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Quinn
    Play Time: 5 hours 22 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Ever wanted to be a super hero and travel to the Neverworld to save Earth from destruction, then all you need to do is get hit by a gamma ball and then be revived by a mysterious character, easy. I recommend this game to anyone reading this right now."
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Setu_Firestorm
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "I don't really know what to think, but I don't recommend this game unless you are really fond of beating up homosexuals. Personally, I think RedMaverickZero should exercise the talents he/she has by making more tasteful games."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Abysmal. One of the worst "games" ever made."
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fenrir-Lunaris
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Arfenhouse could spoof this so well..."
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 1-2 hour -- minutes
    Overall : A
    "You'll swear this game was professionally made. Addicting, upbeat, balanced, and fun, this game rocks. Don't let the bad graphics turn you away, this game is by all means a keeper. Get it, and enjoy hours of fun. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: 1 hour 28 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "It's a wonder this isn't called "Mr. Triangle's Shitty Maze Game."
Seriously Red, did you TRY to make this game look good?"
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fenrir-Lunaris
    Play Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Are you absolutely SURE this isn't parodying anything?"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Don't bother with this game. It isn't really any good; you might as well just play the first one since it will waste less time."
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Setu_Firestorm
    Play Time: 5 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "If you don't download this game, then you are definitely missing out on a lot!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by The Drizzle
    Play Time: 4 hours 56 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Mr. Triangle's Shitty Adventure 5 is not as shitty as the name implies."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: too many hours many more minutes
    Overall : D+
    ""well it was an adventure...and kinda shitty" - Battleblaze.

Never have truer words been spoken. "
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 3 hours -- minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Trick or Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eggie
    Play Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "This is a very well done, Holloween-themed, RPG made by OHR."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "A slightly above average game, and prolly RedMaverickZero's best to date."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by KainMinter
    Play Time: 4 hours 29 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Halloween Quest I. Played it. Enjoyed it. Finished it. Looking forward to the sequal."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 3+ hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "The stuff sequels are made from."
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fenrir-Lunaris
    Play Time: 8 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "A worthy look, at any rate. The length is probably the only factor that would turn people away."
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : C
    "If you can beat the racing minigame, then there might be something here for you. However, if you can't beat it after say, the third time, just give it up. It IS still just a 48 hour game after all. :P"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Squall
    Play Time: 0 hours 17 minutes
    Overall : B
    "A fantastic, albiet simple game. *Worthy* flexes his plotscripting muscles and RMZ shows genuine effort throughout the whole game. Definatly worth your time."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by LeRoy_Leo
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : A
    "A marvel, in my opinion. And to think it was all done in the small window of two days... That takes guts (and that goes out to all of the contestants of this one). ‘Gargan and Troy’ is a very quick play through and yet remains one of the more challenging games on the OHR shelf. Good show, RMZ and Worthy!"
by RedMaverickZero
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Valigarmander
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : A
    "A fun romp. Definitely worth the download."
#Super Jarrod RPG: The Legend of the Missing Wallet# by SwinginSoriano
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "There is nothing 'super' about this game aside from its superbly tedious battle system. Eleven hours of gameplay you say? Those hours are better spent watching paint dry."
*%^#@ by 3m strips
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Artharol
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Although there is potential for improvement, I cannot currently recommend this game as a must-download to the gaming community. In fact, I would encourage the game's creator to make major improvements to "*%^#@" before expecting any major increase in the number of downloads to date."
*bubble* by vandam
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Devi Ant
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "This is definietly not even close to a downloadable game. Yet the game still has room to - grow up a bit."
*Worthy* Graphics by rpgspotkale
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Artharol
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A
    "I strongly recommend that anyone interested in improving the graphics for their future games download *Worthy* Graphics, and give it a quick runthrough. You may find yourself inspired; plus, the narrative guide isn't without its humour. I'd like to thank the creator for this work of inspirational art, and the community for accomodating such an irregularly-formatted review."
*xeon* by Blue Pixel
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by The Wobbler
    Play Time: Zero hours fifteen minutes
    Overall : F-
    "This game shouldn't be downloaded."
4th Year by MasterXGamy
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Legacy within Time
    Play Time: 1 hour 26 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Only play this game if you want to truly understand what you want to AVOID when you're making a RPG."
A Blank Mind by fishbone
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dorumagesu
    Play Time: 0 hours 3 minutes
    Overall : F
    "I hope the author finishes this game, and makes it better with some random battles."
A Magical Adventure for Mr Mushroom by Andrew Smith
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "The "magic" promised in the title is totally left out of this game. The closest word to describing it would be "whimsical", and even that's pushing it."
A Wizard's life by Sparoku
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 0 hours 50 minutes
    Overall : F
    "A wizard's life should be more exciting than this!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Wapam
    Play Time: no hours 60 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "This is not a Wizard's life, or anything close to it. I don't think he was even a wizard."
Achilles Oasis by Fernurion
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: 0 hours 25 minutes
    Overall : D
    "Fenurion, for a contest game you had some good ideas, but you need to work on engaging the player’s interest in your story and world. I like the idea of a weak point for each monster, but your design for it needs serious work before it becomes anything but a pain. I know you didn’t have a lot of time to create your game, but what Achilles Oasis needs now is a lot of your time to become good. The concept is there, it just needs your effort. "
The Adventures of Bill by Mark
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by djfenix
    Play Time: 2 hours 37 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "I honestly expected a newbie game. With a title like this one, you would to right? RIGHT?!?"
Adventures of Billy the Gnome by Gnome
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 30+ minutes
    Overall : F
    "Reminds me of a certain one eyed triangle... Without all the homosexual assault discrimination..."
The Adventures of Hoshima by Realmsoft Interactive America
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Setu_Firestorm
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "This game has been discontinued for the sake of the anime series *throws a pie at Realm Manga*, but I honestly think it would be better for it that way."
The Adventures of Meow: CSC by Monheart
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by haappy_aardvark
    Play Time: 2 hours 50 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "A great combination of originality, graphics, and plotscripting. Although I have a few problems with the gameplay and storyline development, it is worth a playthrough to anyone. TaoMeow:CSC deserves a higher grade, and can get it with a few finishing touches."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Blaze18
    Play Time: 45 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Once again you are my favorite Mr. Monheart! I really see your Trademark!"
The Adventures of Powerstick Man by Pepsi Ranger
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 20+ hours 00 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "This game is, hands down, the single best use of dialogue I have ever seen on the OHR. The storytelling of Pepsi Ranger is simply stunning. He creates a world that is interesting, fun, and semi-realistic (as realistic as a comic-book world can be). The only major problems are the graphics and the tedious battles. But it still is one of my favorite OHR games of all time, and probably will be for a good while.

Well done, Pepsi Ranger, you've created a masterpiece. Now finish it! "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: 9 hours 34 minutes
    Overall : C
    "Pepsi ranger set out to make a great game, but only really got the outline finished. There's still much to be done."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Not bad, but not great. It's worth a look for the story and humor, if nothing else."
An IMD Anthology by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 0-1 hours 0-59 minutes
    Overall : B
    "A classic collection of OHR Greats that the whole family can enjoy(Well, the retarted children and gay uncles, at least.)"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 max minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Buy now, before supplies run out! The special collectors edition features...well, three games. Sure they are all stupid, but they are certainly funny enough to merit a download. What are you waiting for? Get it! "
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "That added segment at the end makes it even better than the first. Oh, there's some new animation in there. Did I mention that? Well, I just did. Nice work."
Ancient Warriors by no_shot
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Not worth playing in its present state. With heavy editing, it could
be a good game, but as it is, Eternal Warriors is not much of a game."
And& by Rinku
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 10 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Flaws aside, this game is worthy of a download for anyone who enjoys the core gameplay of almost any RPG: fighting. You'll do a lot of it here. Everyone else, stay away."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "A fun game is a fun game, whether there's depth or not, so play this game if you want some fun. Also, play this game if you want to control a hero named Ampersand."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 10+ hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "If you like battles, you'll love this game. If you like battles a LOT, you'll worship this game. If you like battles MORE THAN FOOD, you have deep problems and need to consult a therapist. "
  Review #4
     Reviewed by J.A.R.S.
    Play Time: 1 hour 07 minutes
    Overall : C
    "All in all a very average game with a revamped graphical display covering up for some of its several flaws.
Very average."
Aquarius by Kenji Murasame
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Seth
    Play Time: 0 hours 42 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Aquarius is a game that I would like to see finished. It has a great story behind it, and while the battles were a bit easy and the maps were easy to get lost in, this is overcome by many other great aspects of the game.

A must play for any core RPG fans."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 21 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "It's visually entertaining, but that's all I give it. Check it out if you wonna see good graphics and a developing story."
ARFENHOUSE!!!1 #!!!!!!! by Misteroo
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A
    "I WOOD BY TIS GAYM FUR PS#!111 LOL1!!1"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Seth
    Play Time: 1 hour 9 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "A game that should not be missed. If anyone wants to learn how to make a successful game, they should either do the same, or do the opposite."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Lots of fun, if only the battles weren’t so bad. Misteroo does go overboard in a few places, but its never enough to make you want to stop playing Good job, Misteroo! This is definitely the best in the series. Finding all the endings will make you love this game. "
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Tarot Master
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "It's certainly not the best game out there, but it is the funniest."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 5 hours minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Hero Yuy sucks. So does Squall. And so does Joe, because he's dead."
  Review #6
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Kids are getting drugs earlier and earlier in the generations, and this game is a prime example of that."
  Review #7
     Reviewed by The Wobbler
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Essentially, this game is for the people who make the internet stupid, and it's depressing that it's considered a classic in any community, let alone one that has produced some genuinely wonderful and funny games. "
  Review #8
     Reviewed by beau_rl
    Play Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B
    "I seriously didn't think this would be funny, but I was wrong. I dare anyone to play this and not to laugh. But don't consider it if you are after a genuine game."
ARFENHOUSE!!!1 FOR!!!!11 DISC 1! by Seppel
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A
    "The scene where HOUSEMASTER!!11 uh... 'EZSEXZES' GOOD KITTY!!11 actually made me groan.. 0_o

Er... I guess I'm not into furs?"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 6+ hours some odd minutes
    Overall : D
    "Everything you loved about Arfenhouse 3, with none of the things that made it work."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 4-5 hours -- minutes
    Overall : F+
Astro's Quest 2: Monster Madness by Redmage18***
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : F-
Astroboy: ARMAGEDDON...or something like that by Psyco2000
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "A typical newbie game, enjoy it for what it is."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This game is quite funny, but if you don't "get it" then don't get it (the game). (Short game)"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by BT Rhodus
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "If you like to have a laugh and don't think an RPG needs to be serious give this a shot.If you aren't like this give it a shot anyway.You might be surprised."
Autumn Dream (demo) by Cloudburst64
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Believe me, there are plenty of things out there that are less desirable than playing Autumn Dream. Going to work comes to mind. Catching the flu comes to mind. Paying the bills comes to mind. But obviously there are plenty of things that are more desirable.

I think my final thought for this game is this:

“It needs improvement to be a great game, but it only needs a willing player to garner attention.”

Some gamers will enjoy this for the sole reason that it’s an RPG, and some gamers just like RPGs that much. Those gamers will love this game. The rest of us may only find a slight tickling during the experience and a sigh of relief when it’s over.
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 0 hours 25 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Worth a playthrough if you have nothing else to do, but otherwise, this
game isn't ready to be played seriously quite yet."
Avalanche by djfenix
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Squall
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "The rocks reminded me of butts at times."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 15-30 minutes
    Overall : C
    "Where is the robot-snowman who eats you? Oh that only happens to you when you SKI. Gotcah. "
Awegra-The Secret of the Portal by Sean
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Seth
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : D
    "Awegra is a game for a beggining scripter to see how plotscripting can be used well. Other than that, the lack of playability is a letdown.

A 'D' for encouragement. This could be a good game. "
Babel by Grandtrain
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by djfenix
    Play Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Even if you don't like the idea of using biblical references for an RPG, gamers alike will surely enjoy this. Something all OHRers should have in their collection. Now, just go bug Grandtrain to continue it."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Try this game out if you like dodging buggy glitches and then fighting near impossible enimies with some of the crappiest formats of battles you'll ever see... Oh, and let's not forget that one cool part. Heh..."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Enter the world of Babel, you won't regret it."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Rainyfrog
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "Babel is an incredible game, showing great balance in battles and graphics that are certainly well above average. I personally will be watching for updates to this incredible interesting game, and I recommend it to anyone."
Bandit Revolver by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by no_shot
    Play Time: hours 36 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "None, really."
Bastard.GUNS 1982 by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: 0 hours 7 minutes
    Overall : C
    "If you’re looking for a creative method to fighting battles, then this is the game you want to play. But if you’re looking for something that isn’t OHR related, then why in the world are you even reading this?

Thought of the day: “How many times in a row can you say the name of the title without chuckling under your breath?”
Bastard.GUNS Thanatropolis by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Only YOU can destroy Thanatos!
Bastard.GUNS Transylvania by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Camdog
    Play Time: 1 hour 0 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Short, sweet, and different than the standard OHR fare. Worth checking out."
Bearer of the Sword by Sturdalii
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by P
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Really, if levelbusting and filler space are what you're seeking in an RPG, by all means, go ahead and play. Otherwise, stay away. The demo's not long enough to be half-worth it."
Billy's Lost Soap by Gnome
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 5 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Oh man... Just because there were only 48 Hours to make the game, doesn't mean it's entries have to be this awful..."
BJ's Peanut Adventure by Timmy
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "If you like peanuts this is the game for you. Otherwise, don't waste disk space with this."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "Don't play. Just don't."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Dvool
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D
    "If the author focuses more on humor or... umm... something, then this game would be worth playing. But what can you really expect from a game that took 4 days to make?"
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Hobo General
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "At the end of the game, you learn it was made in four days. I don't think this was really a game, but a test of the OHRRPGCE. It's short, but not sweet. I found it a chore to play. Do not download unless you have played every other OHR game at least 3 times, or are an extremely large peanut fanatic."
Blackened early version: UPGRADE v2 by RPGrealm5
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by *Worthy*
    Play Time: 0 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : D
    "Any Final Thoughts?"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Final Fantasy 6's tilemaps deserve better."
BlackJackOHR by Ysoft_Entertainment
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Jes42
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "An enjoyable, if repetetive game. This is one to come back to when you have a few minutes to spare."
Bliss by Camdog
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This game has the worst battles I have ever seen in an OHR game to date. They are unbalanced, have a poor abilities selection, and are certainly not beautiful looking. However, this game's amazing story makes up for them and more. Get your hands on this game and play it as soon as possible. The longest it will take you is 30 minutes (maybe less if you cheat), and it might teach you a thing or two about good about writing a unique story for a game. Fix the few things I commented on, and this game will easily get an A. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Bliss is an interesting game that is worth playing once or twice. It's short and sweet, like Gary Coleman."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "A great game, and so far it hasn't gotten old. The battles are unique and fun, the story rocks your face off, and the soundtrack is very nice. The only downer is the graphics, but we don't judge games by graphics here, right?

Get it. Highly recommended. "
Blow Up (48 hour) by Squall
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 1.5-30 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "They should call this game "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inducer" if you ask me. "
Blu Eternal by mamoru
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Me
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Play this game. Now."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : B
    "It is a beautiful game graphically, but there isn't much else here. Be sure to grab an Audio CD before you play this game. Download it to see some gorgeous graphics, but don't expect for any exciting gameplay or story. "
Bo Hobo by Artificial Sagacity
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F
    "You should be able to do better than this with 48 hours. Playing this is an utter waste of ten minutes."
Bomberman: Race For The Championship by Nintendork
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "This is a game who's progression should be watched. I wouldn't bother playing now, but with improvement this could be a very enjoyable game. If that near-Magnus look and feel could be gotten rid of, I would gladly play again."
Breath of Fire -- Sea of Memories by Setu_Firestorm
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by LeRoy_Leo
    Play Time: 0 hours 40 minutes
    Overall : C
    "Well done, Setu. This is a good way to ring in the re-opening of CP. :p Best of luck on continuing this project. It has potential. I hope this review has some value in your thoughts on continuing it."
Brick Road (48hr contest) by Chenzi
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Wonderful graphics and good storytelling can only take a game so far. Fortunately for this game, they took it that far. Good for a single playthrough, but no more than that."
Bug on the Wall by Mezase Master
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Where was Nintendork in 1977? "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : F-
    "Don't do drugs, kids."
Bugamon Quest by Bradford & Company Productions
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "This review is pointless. No one in there right mind would play this game for it's title alone, much less for fun."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Overall this game is really bad, really bad. It needs a lot of work. (Fortunately, less than one hour. Also the instructions are in MS Word)"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "With so many flaws and weaknesses, it's hard to claim that this game is a winner. But I'm gonna call it a winner anyway because we're all winners."
By the Seventh Book by Uncommon
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pictoyaya
    Play Time: 0 hours Aprox. 30 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "I'll plagarize this review by stealing from the author:

Teleute. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "My choice for the best game in the Human Day Contest '03. Don't judge it harshly because its a contest game...this game tells a great story and it tells it well. "
Capacity: Illusions of Earth by Justin Lucas
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "This is what demos should play like. Great job Justin!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "With a bit of touching up, this could become a great game, I'll be downloading the next update for sure."
cc by Eggie
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Hype doesn't equal a good game, and this is a perfect example of that statement."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : F
    "This game was released too early. Its a collection of many undone and unpolished pieces, and thus, is just a big mess. And if I EVER see a Linkin Park cameo in a game again, I may be forced to burn my computer and make crosses over it. "
Champagne Challenge by Time Traveler
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 2 hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Try working on a team with someone, so some of their good habits will rub off on you and your game making skills. This game has potential, just try to make it better in the areas I mentioned and it could be deserving of a better grade."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "I wouldnt play it a again"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "If the graphics were better, and the plot didn't borrow so much from other games, it would've been much better."
Cinema (Hiatus) by Linkmax
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Too short to be considered playable."
City of Dreams (full version) by Friend
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 1 hour 45 minutes assuming you don't get stumped for 30 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Well-designed and different, possibly one of the best non-humorous games of 2004."
Conquer the Empire by Pako the True G
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Keep working on it, you'll get better. But everyone else should probably stay away from it."
Crabs Quest by Sajam
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 20 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Cool intro...Short game... Weird plot... Enough said... hehehe. Although, an overall makeover wouldn't hurt."
Crescent Dream by AdrianX
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "This is the start of what could very well become one of the greatest games in OHR history. Beautiful graphics, engrossing characters, a unique yet simple gameplay, and decently placed music set this demo up among the elite. Even though it is short, get this game. It is professional grade. Perfect score. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 1 hour minutes
    Overall : A+
    "James Paige would be proud... If you don't download this game then, you will miss perphaps the greatest game on CP or made on the OHR."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by sephy99
    Play Time: 0 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This game could be great, but right now it is simply good. I look forward to any improvements to come and hope to see a less cluttered and more polished look overall. "
  Review #4
     Reviewed by KainMinter
    Play Time: 3 hours 53 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Crescent Dream is a beautiful game! Come check it out, and find yourself wishing you could do graphics this good too."
The Crystal Globe by Shadowiii
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 1+ minute
    Overall : F+
    "A game that shows potential. Unfortunately it is potential Shadowiii claims he will never use on this game."
The Curse of Dracula by MCW, Me, and Aeth
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 30+ minutes
    Overall : B-
    "1,2,3,4. Find Dracula's body and SMASH! HULK SMASH! Oops, wrong game. Check this out, it's a cool experience."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: too many hours --- minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Picasso's blue era has nothing on this. "I'm blue da do de da do di..", ok I killed the joke. Funny game, difficult battles, long experience. You have been warned. "
Custom Battle Demo *Version 1.1* by *Worthy*
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RPGrealm5
    Play Time: 0 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : B
    "I look forward to seeing more of this battle system. Great job, *Worthy*"
DA Bus by kirby
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Tsunamidog
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 (at most) minutes
    Overall : D-
Daega by Cyber Cat
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Blazes Battles Inc.
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "With a lot of work and a little ingenuity, this game could be great. Until then..."
Dafalos : The Three Kings by rpgspotkale
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "If RPGSpot is going to be anything memorable in the OHR community, they need to not release games like this one."
Dark Genesis by Sam
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Harlock
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Experience and practice should see a better version of this one in the future."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Holding off the release of this game for some tweaking would of really gone a long way."
DarkMoon by TwinHamster
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 35 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "This game is fresh and although not the best game out there, it is fun."
Darkmoor Dungeon by Moogle1
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by TwinHamster
    Play Time: I imagine at least one hours a few minutes
    Overall : B+
    "An excellent example of the potential of the OHR's battle system. And there are those who claim that it does not offere enough. HA! HA I say! Nice work Adam Perry, I look forward to playing the sequal. And while you're at it, you may want to spoof up the dungeon tiles a little."
De avenchas off chick-anne by xaero
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "People need to learn that humor takes talent and effort. Doing something poorly doesn't automatically make it funny. In fact, it usually has the opposite effect. Sorry people, but bad does NOT = good."
Death wears a Green Tie(Demo) by Mabwudikai
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pako the True G
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Wont see any Green Ties here, just a whole lot of Black and White Sloppiness."
Deer Hunter XTREME by Me
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 1-2 minute
    Overall : C-
    "If you hate/love hunting games (which basically translates into "everyone"), then you should get this game. It is quite a unique game, to say the least, and has quite a bit of humor to back it up. Go ahead, blow up that dumb rabbit with a bazooka. Get it for a quick game, then delete it. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 2 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "A good way to spend a couple minutes. But unless you like repitition and simple gameplay it will only be played for a couple minutes."
Delete this game!!! by Hercule Pro
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Graphics aren't all that matters when it comes to a game. Next time, wait a little while before you release a demo, dude."
Deleted Game by JSH357
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : A-
Deleted Game by JSH357
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Week One - The insanity starts here."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Week Two - Alliances form."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Week Three - Fright of their life."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Week Four - Manipulation Fatigue."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Week Five - Field Trip"
  Review #6
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Week Six - Competition"
  Review #7
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Week Seven - Hide and Go Seek"
  Review #8
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Week Eight - Guess Who's Back?"
  Review #9
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Week Nine - The Winner is..."
  Review #10
     Reviewed by *Worthy*
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Great for a few laughs, but the producer's lack of interest at the end hurt the last half of the game."
  Review #11
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 10x9 minutes
    Overall : A
    "An OHR Classic has been born."
Deleted Game by JSH357
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: A lifetime to master hours A minute to learn minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Do not weep for me. Only learn from me.

One must always trust in his own power.

Only then may one be an ascended, or ultra human being.

Never give up!

Stand adamant when facing any challenge!

Deleted Game by JSH357
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : C
Deleted Game by JSH357
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Hitler makes everything better!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    Play Time: 1 hour 16 minutes
    Overall : C
    "This would be funny as hell as a short movie or a miniseries of some sort. Maybe a Flash movie like Arfenhouse had. But as a game... you have to let the F4 key do the fighting."
Demon Warrior by Bob360
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fortis
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Could be really good, with some more work..."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Entertaining, but after it's done you'll be wondering why."
Demon's Wrath by RPGrealm5
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 30+ minutes
    Overall : D
    "This game is incomplete yes, but to see a decent way to establish story check this out. It shows all the ways of going about getting a character from Point A to Point B, without skipping the stuff in between."
Dimensions 3 by Cube
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "D3 reminds me of poor Super NES RPG. Not in graphical style, but in how you'll play for a while, get bored, and then pick it up again in a few days, mostly because you have nothing better to play. Keep your eyes open for the new version."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Needs to have it's cavities filled, so to speak. Don't bother with this one... yet."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "For all the annoyances that this game has, I still think it's a cleverly-made game that deserves attention. The areas that need work really need a lot of it, but there's still enough good parts left over to justify saying that the author put a lot of heart into making this. With that, I'll say give it a try, even if it's just to see the uniqueness of the design."
Dimensions 4 by Cube
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Got Plot? This game doesn't."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "(Demo less than one hour) Excellent potential, but it doesn't look like a star yet."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This is truly a great game! One of the best I've seen! I can't wait for them to finish it! This game would get at least a 9.0, if it wasn't for that whole plot thing(or lack thereof) dragging it down like a bad meatloaf."
Dimensions I by Cube
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Mr B
    Play Time: 2 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "A grand game. The S-Table is a wonderful idea. I enjoyed playing this, and most anyone else will too. I would have rated this a lot higher if only there wasn't that issue with the running..."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 30+ minutes
    Overall : C
    "I've seen better, but for the limited amount of what's here, it's decent. Worth a look at, but not worth a replaying."
Dino Park by Unicon
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: 0 hours 7 minutes
    Overall : F
    "If ever there were an example of why you should spend more than 7 minutes making a game... this surely must be it. Also hands down the best example of why you should playtest your own game. But surely the best example (aside from the infamous Magnus) of why you shouldn't even come up with putrid ideas like this in the first place."
Don't Push The Button 2003 Redux by Gizmog1
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 96 hours 54 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Can YOU not push the button?"
Dragon Warrior 1: PC-Version by Ysoft_Entertainment
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: no hours whenever minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Dragon Warrior VIII is so linear... what a shame your heroes are like walking meat sticks without a brain... Oh, well at least this isn't the same game."
Dreams of the Seven Orbs by Buni
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Velduanga
    Play Time: 1 hour 6 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Some games are fantastic looking, some are beautifully written, some are impossible to put down. This doesn't fit into any of those, but then again, it doesn't have to."
Duck and MJ 2 by JSH357
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "This is not the next Zelda or anything, but the fact that this game was better than my expectations made it a pleasant surprise. Add that to the fact that I actually had fun playing it, even though it's short and features a duck as its main character, and I can conclude that its worthy of a tryout."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "The simple fact of the matter is that this game just isn't any fun to play. Go look somewhere else to satisfy your RPG playing needs."
Ecopia:Shadow on Perrep by Franco Jordan aka Zero Hour
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 15 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Ecopia: Shadow on Perrip took a step in OHR making. It's cutscenes and movies alone make the game worth the download, as well as the fact that it isn't a "spacebar smasher." The battles actually make you think, which is something very few OHR games manage to accomplish. Too bad Herp suspended work on this game, because with just a few more touch-ups this could become an OHR great. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Tooma20
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Three words: Colorful, creative, and fun."
Endless Saga by djfenix
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "I'm not yet ready to claim this game as an outstanding piece, but I am very impressed with what it's starting, and I highly recommend giving it a try for the plain and simple fact that so much can be learned about game design in just a matter of thirty minutes or less. If that's not a reason to check out a game, then nothing that gets a decent overall score is really all that great. So check it out if you're ready, and look both ways before crossing the street."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Overall, a pretty good game. I am highly anticipating the next release. Just a little work on graphics and music, and this game would be awesome!"
Ends of the Earth by Valkayree
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "The flimsy story development costs the game's overall score to drop a little, but everything else is so on-target that it makes the experience worth it anyway. The fantastical elements of the gameworld are as good as a book from Greek Mythology, and the map design of each area keeps things heading in the right direction. Of course, the best thing of all is that this is a finished game. How many projects make it that far? If you've never played this game before, go ahead and play it now because you can't experience what hundreds of other gamers have experienced if you don't."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pscyo2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Get it!! It's cool!! Later kiddies!"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 3-6 hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "An epic that will surely last until the Ends of the Earth. "
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Don't waste your time on this crap."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by Meatballsub
    Play Time: 2 hours 55 minutes
    Overall : C
    "I had high hopes for this game. I had read many good things about this before I started my journey. Despite its many flaws and the feeling that half the game was rushed, I still had a good time with it.

However, it definitely did not feel like it took me to the Ends of the Earth."
Ends of the Earth 2 by Valkayree
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "I really don't know what else to say about this game except that everyone who cares about RPGs should check it out. It's perfected the Final Fantasy feel, and doesn't waste it with junky characters and a lame storyline. It's good enough to ask or even demand the creation of an Ends of the Earth 3, and hope all threads are tied by the end. Excellent game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 3-6 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "This is quite possibly the greatest OHR-RPG of all time. Get it, and see that the OHR can indeed be used to make professional quality games. "
Escapades by Leonhart
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Namyak
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Though not completely disappointing, "Escapades" presents very little to merit a download and a playthrough. "
Esoom Island by Edge Byte Mooseware
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Camdog
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "RPGs usually need a story of some kind to make them interesting."
Eternal Flame I by Old OHR Games
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Meatballsub
    Play Time: 1 hour minutes
    Overall : F-
    "If Vikings of Midgard is our model introductory game, then Eternal Flame is its polar opposite. It touches on pretty much everything that a person should NOT do when making a game."
Eternal Warriors by no_shot
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Though Eternal Warriors really shouldn't of been released yet, I am looking forward to any more demos of it."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Silverwolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "A 5-10 minute demo isn't easily rated. From what I could tell so far, this game might turn out good, it might turn out bad, but right now it's above average."
Exposing The Unknown by TwinHamster
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 50 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "This game needs help. That's the best way of saying it."
Faces Version 2 (11/10/03) by Serg
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Seth
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : B
    "The textbox with faces technique is amazing. Would work amazingly in a game. (maybe James Paige could come up with an easier way in the next update...)"
The Fallen Knight by ACJ
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Either this is just really bad, or it was someone's idea of a joke to submit this for a review. The only good points are its font (which looks like it was ripped from EOTE2) and its FMV logo."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Thanks for killing some more of brain cells. It's games like this that make me wonder why I review in the first place."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "To all you out there, PLEASE don't release your games prematurely. Allow your games to grow and nurish before you send them to be reviewed. We really don't want to review plot-demos like this. As for this one, lets see what it looks like when theres some content to it."
Fantasy Realms III by Minnek
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Could be good with some work, but without that work it's not worth anything. Don't bother right now."
Fantasy Under A Blue Moon Xv4 by White Owl
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Xerian
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "Difficulty and a few bugs are the only thing keeping this game from being really good. If it is completed, it will totally be an OHR classic or whatever you would like to call it. Get it now!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by djfenix
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "Why are you still reading? GET IT ALREADY!!!"
Fat Frog RPG by Old OHR Games
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Meatballsub
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Regardless of how I look back on this, I will always respect Fat Frog RPG. In the end, if it wasn't for Kumkwat Software, I may have never stumbled upon the OHRRPGCE."
The Fatal Kingdom by ultimate3
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by sephy99
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : D
    "For the few unique touches, there are too many flaws to warrant a download."
Ferocity of the Saiyans! by FusionGamer
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Don't ever work in this town again... Just kidding. Try to use your talents into consideration of the players, and work on graphics more."
Fighting Chance by Ralfo
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "You're going to play FC, and you're going to enjoy it. Now get going!"
Final Fantasi XXX by SDHawk
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 0 hours .25 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Hot hentai right here! Play it now!"
Final Fantasy H by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: 20 hours 16 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Overall, my choice for game of 2002, and so far it's sticking to 2003. Congrats, Fenrir."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 7 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : D
    "Not what it's cracked up to be. The name "Final Fantasy" is probably what makes it so attractive, to be honest."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 10 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "This game has already become one of the most popular games in OHR history, and this review can't change that. However, I think its lasting value will only be for a few months, contrary to years. This won't live on like Memoria, Monterey Penguin, Walthros, or Ends of the Earth, simply because it has too many flaws.

Graphics don't make the game. Gameplay makes a game"
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Fenrir-Lunaris
    Play Time: (Thellos:16) (Leo:12) hours :P minutes
    Overall : A
    "Fenrir: To plagurize the default comment here... Any Final Thoughts?

Thellos: It's probably not the best OHR game that's ever going to be made, but it's an excellent one for a first time OHRer to play, just to see what the engine's capable of producing.

Leo: Despite its flaws, not even you will likely produce a better game Fenrir. This game was probably deserving of it's original score of an A+. It won't be beaten."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by The Drizzle
    Play Time: 7 hours 7 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Serious balance issues prevented this game from being fun. I beat it with one character. Just one. I forgot to mention, saving only at inns or with tents that could save ANYWHERE was a horrible idea. Horrible. "
Final Fantasy H-2 by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 2+ hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Final Fantasy H-2 has a different mood from it's popular prelude, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check this out. It's actually a good game and good way to spend your time. With the exception of a few scripts this is one of Fen's great games."
Final Fantasy R by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 3+ hours minutes
    Overall : D
    "Old and crummy yes? But nice to see how far Final Fantasy H has come along."
Flames of Sardon by Al Barnes
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Rob
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "The stroyline and humor saved the game. I liked to steal the pirates' gold continuously. I did take into account this is Al Barnes's first game. I had fun playing it, and I can only assume you will too."
Flute by zetes
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : F
    "You'd be crazy just to put your mouse button over the download link. Don't play it, don't download it, unless you want something that might make you want to punch your monitor through."
Frankfurter's Quest For Soap by FnrrfYgmSchnish
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "This game is alright. Just alright. The graphics and music are what make it what it is... alright..."
Frog of Fortune by Justin Allan
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Go play Arfenhouse 3, and come back with a sense of humor."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "The scores speak for themselves on this one."
Frozen by dragonfire21892
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : D
    "It was a short 15 minute play. I didn't feel the game robbed my time, but I didn't feel it made it worth the time either."
Fung's One Battle Quest by Linkmax
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dan the Man Entertainment
    Play Time: 0 hours 3 minutes
    Overall : D
    "The only reason this game gets a D instead of an F is because of its advertising.

This game really is crappy!

As a matter of fact, it deserves to be described with a far harsher word, but I won't
say it for the sake of this website."
Fyre Emblem by TwinHamster
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by FireEmblemPride
    Play Time: Nil hours 20 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "The game itself isn't really at fault - it is the creator for half-assing every aspect of the game except the battle system, and that even needs a little work. But if given a chance, this game could be a hit."
The Gamemaster's Citadel by Psyco2000
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Silverwolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Hopefully this was just a demo. The graphics were pretty much the best part of this story. The game would be a lot more fun if it was harder and lasted longer."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "A horrible OHR game. Complete garbage. But it is probably the first Furry OHR game..."
Genesis by sephy99
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Lucier, Sephy, and Toxic. You’ve all done a great job with Genesis, and I really enjoyed playing it. However, there’s still room for improvement, and I’ve pointed them out in the review. You’ve come far with this game, and I’m looking forward to playing the next demo, so don’t slack off and never release it, like so many other authors do. Good luck!
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 2 hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "You guys have a quality piece of work here. Heck, you've raised the bar of excellence throughout the community and inspired me to do my best, I'd say you guys (and girl) deserve a pat on the back. This isn't a game that should dissolve into obscurity very easily."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: hours 55 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Play it and move on- it's fun, but ultimately too incomplete. It needs an update."
Geo Crystal by 7 Moons
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Bluemonk
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "I really don't see any reason for anyone to play this game until 7 Moons gets off his keester and makes a GAME, because this isn't one."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "As of now, this game doesn't leave me impressed. But because I like the basis of the story, I am positive that with work, this could become a very enjoyable game. It will be interesting to see where the creator takes it."
God Damn, It's Dark In Here! by Gizmog1
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Moogle1
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : B-
    "If you're afraid of the dark, then don't play this game with your lights off."
Grand Theft Auto H: Night City by Serg
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: Varies hours Varies minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Check it out. You probably won't want to play it for too long since
there isn't much to do yet. I've played much worse games, but this
game does need a serious overhaul to be considered an OHR great."
Grief by Gamerrnet
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Played with the level up cheat, it's tolerable. Without? Painful."
GundamSigma RPG by Frank Orozco (The Owl)
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Though I still have a sneaking suspicion that I did something wrong, there's no way I intend to play this thing again."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by SilverWolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Sigma isn't a bad RPG, then again it's not a good RPG either. If the Xi battle is made easier then the game would be a lot more fun. Download this game if you have some spare time."
Harlock & Rinku's 'Bill's Never Go West' by Rinku
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : D
    "Bill's "Never Go West" is a fantastically funny OHR game. This game, however, is quite the opposite. Leaving you without any sense of fulfillment at the end, rather, leaving you feeling worse off then when you began, this game is simply not fun. "
Heart of darkness 1 TRON by Regal Lion
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Battleblaze
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Don't download this game unless you want a pointless rpg that you can't read or do anything else besides talk to ducks and fight monsters."
Help Wanted (48hrs) by Eagtile
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 20 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Momma mia! Almost a perfecta! Mwah!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by P
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "If you have 30 minutes and an open mind, sit down and play through this tale. It's definitely not one to pass up!"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Sk8termunky
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Good if you want to kill five minutes."
Hentai Quest: Tuesday Edition by Chaos Nyte
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 1+ minute
    Overall : F-
    "The name of the contest says the name of this game all over it."
Hyperion Rush by Vegeta007
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Another awful newbie game to add to the pile. Don't download, don't play."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C-
    "This game has bugs, bad graphics, and a storyline that makes me sick. Work on this one and make it better, please!"
I Made Dis by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "You could spend five minutes a lot worse then playing this game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "An ok game. Nice. Not horrible, could be better, just OK. Better than some of the games I've played, though."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 7 minutes
    Overall : A
    "This game is a classic. Even with the Director's Cut, this game has high historic value. This is the game that transformed Gilbert's community image. This is the game that introduced us to the artist. And this game will always be one of my favorites."
ignore, download khfan15's version by JSH357
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 15 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Week One-Meet the new cast!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 13 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Week Two - The arrogant CN"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 3 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "7 is an accursed number, but ending at Week Six? Shame on you!"
Illumnis Saga Side Story - Heavenly Dreamers by Jude the Rat
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "This is an interesting little game that could very well be great if improved upon. I will personally be checking for updates to this game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by djfenix
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "I say it should be worked on a LOT more before showing it to the world."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Haggard
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Nothing to get excited about, but nothing to turn you away in disgust. Give it a chance, and you may be interested in what's in store for us when the next version of Heavenly dreamers is released."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Stewie
    Play Time: hours 20 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "A nobel effort, but ultimatly unsatisfying."
It Came From Beyond The Moon. by Retrogamer
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Komera
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "If you have a few mintues to spare, this is a good game to check out. Frankly, I can think of better ways of spending 15 extra minutes of my time. In the end, this game best serves those who are trying to make their own side scroller game/minigame.
jewish Kwest by DarkLordCale
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: hours 15 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Any Final Thoughts?

Nope, I think I covered everything."
Joke by Chaos Nyte
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Seth
    Play Time: 0 hours 49 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "The graphics really need improvement. Hilarious dialogue, but lacked in RPG content. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "There aren't a whole lot of great things to say about this game on an individual scale, but for some reason I still found it fun. I will say that this will not turn heads, and that it will not finish satisfactory. But, for a measely half hour or so, it's entertaining enough to try. Fortunately it's free, and the humor is worthwhile, so it's getting my seal of approval. Actually, I have to design a seal first, but consider it stamped anyway."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Mew
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "One of the funniest games I've played yet. Worth your time."
Journey Through Time by Coolpengu (Brad Charles)
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "One major issue makes this game unplayable, but that's not to say it doesn't have potential. I still don't recommend you download it, at least not until the author fixes the awful bugs in it."
Katamari Damacy OHR by Lassie-Lunaris
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : C
    "Good start, needs some serious polishing. Also, don't play this game if you are under age 18...though by saying that probably every 12 year old within walking distance will now download and play it. >_<"
Kidworld by ChocoSOLDIER
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "A dead penguin could make a better game. Seriously, though, was any thought put into this at all? Horrible. Avoid this one at all costs."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
kill the seagulls by xaero
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 5 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Good concept... Poor game..."
The King's Basement II by SDHawk
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by SDHawk
    Play Time: 0 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "I honestly didn't expect this to get any votes and allmost didn't release it. But, I guess some people like this kind of game and gave it far more votes than I expected.

With the bugs fixed, the battles tweaked, the dreams inserted, and the music fixed this could turn in to a game well-worth spending some time with. But as it is, it's only a shadow of what it could be."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Quinn
    Play Time: 0 hours 10-20 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Do you like stories? If you do then this is the game for you. A game with no graphics just text boxes with multiple choices and multiple endings. Also if you like the name 'you' then you will love this game. (how many games have the characters name as 'you')"
The Land Of Blobs RPG 2000 by Mark Manansala and Manman Viivas
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "This is either a badly done "Arfenhouse" knockoff, or "the kind of game about which your Arfenhouse Programmer warned you". Overall, I'd say one point on the happy side of sadistic."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "For a 15 minute adventure, this game isn't half bad."
Land of the Mystics by Mattgamerr
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Enjoyable to the end, it takes a real OHRer to beat this monster of a game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "The game is a good one, just remember that it's old and isn't going to show anything terribly new or original, but if you want an RPG to spend a lot of time on this'd be the one to play."
Legend of Cale by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Keep up the good work. Even though this is an old game, keep up your hard work, it really shows and pays off."
Legend of the Lost Ark by TheExcaliburSoft
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "Right now this game has so little to offer that it's not worth the time, but the character graphics are at the very least good enough to learn something from, so it's worth downloading for educational purposes. I will admit that I look forward to see what becomes of this game in the future, so hopefully there is a lot of promise in store for it."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "This isn't even a demo, it's a game in the first stages of development. I can't see what Excalibursoft was hoping to get by sending in this demo, other then scorn."
The Legend Of The Magic Sword by Cloudburst64
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Seth
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : D+
    "The game really needed to be longer. Some improvements could be;

*Fixing the overhead tiles,
*Making it longer

The script at the start with the sleeping James (drooling) was a nice touch. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "This game is hardly worth your time, with the exception of its graphics. It is only a walkaround demo, though, so perhaps a future demo holds more in store for us."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by djfenix
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "Honestly, people should actually have some playable content before giving it for review. Well, there is "some" playable content, but there sould be more than this."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Tooma20
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Proven once again, graphics and music aren`t everything."
The Legend of Zelda Sword of Gods (More stuff Update) by Battleblaze
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 4 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Brilliantly brings HORRIBLE SHAME to a glorious series!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Read Uncommon's review for another peek, or just stay far away.
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Calehay
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "Not great, but definitely has the possibility to be."
Legenda - The RPG by fishbone
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: 0 hours 33 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "I have found one last pill in my pocket. It is with the greatest of hopes that by taking it I can return to the land of heaven, and retrieve my friends Larry, Daryl, and Daryl before any ill fate should come to them. If I should not return, see to it that this is published."
Life as a Delivery Boy (DEMO) by Nick Cates A.K.A. Winna
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RPGrealm5
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "This game is a disgrace to Futurama. By downloading this game you are wasting plenty of time you can never have back. This game could be improved, but the game's creator has already realized what a mess he has made."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "The basis is fine, but I need to see a lot done before I'll enjoy this game. If you're a futurama fan with some spare time, go ahead and download it but the creator should do a lot of work before the next release."
Locked by Iblis
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 10-20 minutes
    Overall : A
    "8-bit goodness! Certainly worth your time, and it's only 23kb. Get it, and enjoy a few minutes of pleasure out of your ordinarily mundane, humdrum life."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by LeRoy_Leo
    Play Time: 0 hours 18 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Way to go Iblis. Although this isn't a very eccentric and action packed game, it is quite intriguing. It's sort of reminiscent of "Fox and the 8 6" in a lot of ways, but it is short and less “shoes-keep-untying-themselves†unpleasant than most puzzle/side quest games."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 0 hours 18 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Kind of like a minigame."
Lolsidothaldremobine by Mattgamerr
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Great game Matt. I hope you decide to contuine it, because I'd like to save the province and all."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A+
    "What can I say? This game sucks. Wait. Who tricked me into saying that? Okay, let me restate my opinions in a different way. Does anybody remember the first time they saw Star Wars, the Matrix, or Raiders of the Lost Ark? What did you think about them? No, really, this is a serious question. What did you think about them? Mmm hmm, what's that? I see. Then what are you waiting for? The sequel? Yeah, well goodnight from Pepsi Ranger."
Mageclash by Moogle1
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: you can play for hours it's that fun but most matches will rarely last longer than one or two minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Clash, little mages, clash!"
Magic Force by Old OHR Games
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Meatballsub
    Play Time: hours 40 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "If Locke would have spent more time polishing his work; this could have turned out to be a mediocre game."
Magnus 17: Off De Edge of Dis Pair (Of Edges) by Uncommon
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 2-3 hours -- minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Decent. A Director's Cut will most likely make this game be much better. Get it to see an original story that certainly breaks the mold, even if it does end rather shabby. "
Magnus 9: Golem by Grandtrain
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by J.A.R.S.
    Play Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Definatly a must. The very game that I remembered from OHR before I came back. I'd call it a classic ;)"
Magnus Prologue by Pepsi Ranger
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 8 minutes
    Overall : C
    "I am Hercil not Hercol. Arrrr Guards"
The Man Who Wears Purple by Frickin' Genius
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: No hours a few minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Press boton."
matricx re-hacked by byako
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pictoyaya
    Play Time: 0 hours Aprox. 20 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Any Final Thoughts?

Byako did a great parody, and I encourage him to make others with this attitude. Thankyou for making it. "
Me by djfenix
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Cute game. A nice breather from the dark distruction games usually churned out of the OHR engine. Play it once, spend a few minutes taking a nice break from the mainstream, then go back to saving the world from inevitable distruction. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Xerian
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "This is a nice little game that makes an attempt to make a nice side scroller, and it did quite well. I recommend this to all!"
Megamen by gtvu
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Velduanga
    Play Time: 0 hours 4 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "I don't get why this was released. This needs SO MUCH more work in it, but the way its progressing, and the fact that the maker had the nerve to release this, any more done to it would probably make it worse."
Memoria by Royal
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "For those who can get past the atrocious misuse of dialogue boxes, this game is very much worth playing and keeping. Everything about it is next to perfect, and an update should be the only option for its future. Great game. Most people know this already, but for those who have never given it a chance, give it one now. Go ahead, you know you want to."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "A perfect example of what OHRers should have played. It's a pity games of this caliber don't come along more often."
Metamorphosis by Moogle1
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 1 hour 0 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Metomorphosis is a game that everyone should play at least once. Its interesting to see the larger NPCs, and fun to ram your fist through some imp's skull. But once you beat it, study the code, and wish you could do that, you'll probably delete it. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "For being made in around 24 hours, it is quite good. However, there isn't really that much in this. If you are trying to script a double-npc script, you might want to have a look-see. If you aren't, there isn't really anything here for you to investigate. "
Micheal Jackson Dancing by MrNintendo
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "It's something new, but you have to ask yourself, "Is that a good thing?""
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "If you like watching MJ dance, play this game. Otherwise it's just funny to watch. (I laughed a few times) Haha! Just be warned that no experience at anything is required to play this game..."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by sephy99
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Ignore this score... it may not be great but for 3 minutes of Micheal's hilarious dance moves... I was happy to play it. I reccomend this one just for the fun of it."
Mika World by Syken Games
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Xerian
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "This game is kind of senseless, and it was too short. However, this game has some potental. Work harder and this may turn out to be a decent game."
Missing (fixed version) by Friend
Average Grade: A+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 2 hours something minutes
    Overall : A+
    "An OHR point and click adventure game - high quality, lots of fun. Just get it and if that's not enough for you, maybe the review will convince you. This one's definitely for the Book Club.

Oh, and a final warning... you do not want to play this game in the dark alone."
Miyan Island A Warriors Birth Release 2 by Hyn Jowhai and Manman Vivas
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "The authors of this game should bow there heads in shame. I can't imagine why anyone would want to play this unfinished thing."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "This game has potential but it also has a lot of problems. However, they can ALL be fixed with more work. The game is to short to enjoy right now, but I'll be watching for the next update."
Miyan Island: Legend of Hya Part 1 by Hyn Jowhai and Manman Vivas
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "The games playable, if only just. With some changes, this could be an adventure you should keep your eye on."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "This game is not very good and unless the creators do some serious work on it, probably never will be. However, I did not find this game a chore to play. It's too short to be boring. If you have a few minutes to kill, download it, but if I were you I'd wait for the next update."
MLAAP: The Kevin Chronicles by Bobert41
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 1 hour 28 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Short, but definitely worth the time it takes to play. A storyline that actually unfolds, tons of well done plotscripting, a Zelda styled battle system, original music, and of course, it's a completed game! Give it a try now and maybe you'll like it."
Monkey Quest by Kyle Alexander/ SilverCoast Productions
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "If you've got an hour to kill, Monkey Quest will eat up the time. Don't go in expecting a rip-roaring adventure though."
Monolith of Spirit by djfenix
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: 0 hours 35 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "I can see why Fenix let this game go. Inspired by a popular professional game mixed with his own twist, in the end there wasn’t enough interest to keep Monolith of Spirits from an early grave.
Monterey Penguin by HuckdOnFonix (UberSteve) and Grubbworm
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 2-3 hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "A game every OHR player or creator should try out, just to know their "roots" and experience an old classic. Great game, though it does burn out near the end. "
Moogle Quest by Moogle1
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 15 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "A very clever game with some neat aspects of the OHR that were amusing even when the OHR was new."
Moon Pie: Crumbling Dreams by sephy99
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Enjoyable to the end, download this one and spend an afternoon in the world of Moon Pie."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Iceman
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This is an overall average game, not terrible but not outstanding."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Eh. A nobel effort. Nothing two spectacular. It's gleaming flaws *coughcoughstorylinecough!* Bring it down. Basically Vanilla."
Mormon Mission by Gizmog1
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 15+ minutes
    Overall : A
    "Sickening... Repulsive... But all around... hilarious!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Sick? Yes. Dirty? Undoubtably. Profane? Extreme. Funny? No. "
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "As stated in the Readme,

"Moogle1, who told Chaos Nyte that he was free to put him in any of his games if he so choose. He’ll regret that when he gets back."

That basically sums up this entire game."
Mr. Happy's Fun-Time Adventure by Iblis
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by no_shot
    Play Time: 1 hour 53 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "I didn't expect much from this game. Needless to say, though, it far exceeded my expectations. It was a well done work of art, with a lot of thought put into it. This is one of the better OHR games I've played. I was hooked until the end! It was like a good book that you can't put down until you're finished.
Mr. T's Fantastic Adventure! by Uncommon
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fernurion
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "A real Gem, er, bling, of a game Mr T's Fantastic adventure is truly fantastic!"
Necroscope (Blood Brothers) by Tom Hyberger
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "This is probably one of the worst things you can inflict upon yourself. Jeez, first Bugamon's Quest and now this? God, I hope something good comes out soon."
Neke: The Woman of Mystery by sephy99
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Squall
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : B
    "You can make a "é" by hitting ALT+0233."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Forgoing gameplay for movie-like storytelling, Neke still manages to deliever the goods. Give it a try. Just don't let your parents catch you playing it. =p"
Neo Krysta by Realmsoft Interactive America
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 1 hour 0 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Not horrible, but not necessarily good."
Neo Krysta II by Realmsoft Interactive America
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: 0 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "I like this game and I want to see where it goes, but I urge the creators to try and make their storyline more original and developed. The unique gameplay features are a great touch and help keep the game interesting."
Neo Krysta III: The Guardian War by Sir_Phoenix_Drake
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : C
    "I'd like to see where this game goes, but for now I don't recommend downloading it except for the story and music."
Night of 10,000 Bullets by TwinHamster
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: hours 12 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "I love the review system here. I've just drawn a conclusion, and now I get to add my "final thoughts". I, for one, hope my final thoughts are "Who are these women, why are they naked, and wait is that a chainsa....""
none by Gryphon
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 1-5 minute
    Overall : F-
    "DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME AT ANY COST. Not only is it a cruddy game in general, but doing so will support this author's shamless stealing of James Paige's work. "
Nordomin: Call of the Elements by DukeofDellot
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 1 hour 30+ minutes
    Overall : D+
    "If you like to read, play this game. If you don't then... well, okay find another game."
OHR Arena by Aethereal and MultiColoredWizard
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 3+ hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "OHR Arena is definitely a game that is a challenge. Go try it if you want one."
OHR Battle (original) by Cardcaptor Stacey
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "This game really impressed me in certain parts, but there were other parts that made me yawn, or yell at the monitor. I like where this game is heading but more work is needed before it becomes really great. I know I'll be downloading the next update."
OHR Paint by Gizmog1
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fernurion
    Play Time: hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A
    "A very nice, well thought out and designed game. Hard to believe it only took two hours to make. Make sure you share your creations!"
OHR-Date by Shadowiii
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by PIcaRDMPC
    Play Time: 04 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "I recommend this game to everyone. Whether you're single, married, or in a long-term relationship, whether you're 5 or 65, play this game. It'll leave you with a warm, pleasant feeling, no matter what you think about it otherwise."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 7 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Terra from Final Fantasy 7. That's something I'll remember for a while...
Oh, right, and this is a good game."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 3+ hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "Definitely worth your time. If not for the game, but to see one of the many things the OHR is capable of."
OHRadius by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: ~1 hours -- minutes
    Overall : C
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 10+ minutes
    Overall : B
    "Fixing those bugs oughta be no problem with such good plotscripters nowadays. And if we are lucky enough we might just see a full length game out of this with tons of levels and super cool bosses (THAT SHOOT BACK!)"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by junahu
    Play Time: 0 hours 25 minutes
    Overall : D
    "Consider this if you can derive enjoyment from boring repetetive tasks that lack conflict of any sort (correction, mutual conflict of any sort)"
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by PIcaRDMPC
    Play Time: 0 hours .25 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "If you need to waste about a minute or so of time, download this game. Otherwise, don't even touch it; avoid it as if it was something that could give you AIDS."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: 0 hours 2 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "I really wish that people wouldn't excuse this as a 'omfg u dum kok pudlz ur gaymz sux' and recognise that this has SYMBOLISM in it. Really. People are idiots. This is proof of that. Everyone that doesn't see that *COUGH*OTHERPEOPLE*COUGH*, well, then.. 'lol u r 4 teh riturd.'"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Setu_Firestorm
    Play Time: 00 hours 01 minute
    Overall : F-
    "My final thought...Winners, don't do drugs."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : D
  Review #5
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 96 hours 555 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Don't pass this up."
Ondupe: Chello Master by Bambatzu
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "I had to use the debug keys to get through this game. By the end, I was very bored. The creator should practice more with the engine and spend more time on specific aspects of the game instead of rushing through. I will say one thing, I've never seen a storyline quite like this one, and with a lot of work (perhaps re-doing the game) I think I could enjoy this game."
Orb by Seeking_star
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : F-
    " In conclusion, this was one of the worst games that I have encountered in my entire career as a gamemaker. I would not wish the punishment of playing this game on any person, no matter what they have done throughout their life. The game was incredibly uninteresting, unoriginal, poorly conceived, and any other vice that you might be able to think of. In comparison, I would rather play Bugamon Quest. Go play something better, such as Lolsidothaldremobine, Monterrey Penguin, or even Virtual School. Avoid this game as well as you can!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C-
    "A good attempt. The basis for this game is fine, but it needs for development and touching up to become good."
ORBituaries: Spherical Disasters by Uncommon
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Slighty less then decent. Uncy, next time I suggest you playtest your game, and not slack off at the end of the demo."
Pac Man OHR by fyrewulff
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : D
    "A decent little game. Download if you are bored and want to spend three to five minutes playing this game then deleting it. Not bad considering the limited resources, but not wonderful either. "
Partisan Legacy I by Minnek
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 2-3 hours 00 minutes
    Overall : C-
    "One of the best "first" games I've ever played. It is obvious there was a lot of effort put in and an decent amount of planing. If Minnek keep up this determination and hard-work he'll have a great game on his hands in no time. "
paruabaymafia 2002 (4/10/05upgrade) by wasp22
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "It's worth a shot, guys. It's not the best game of all time, but they put some work into it, and it shows. "
Pepsi Commercial by Mezase Master
Average Grade: C+
Pitch Black by Shadowiii
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 20 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Scared of the dark? Too bad. Get off your ass or err... sit on your ass and play this game, it's good and you'll enjoy it or you get your money back! Wait... there's no money. Ah hell, download it and try it."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: hours 35 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Light and tasty! Pitch Black is a definite must-play, especially for people who like adventure games. Plus, Julia is hot..."
Pixilation by JSH357
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "A creative concept, but an awful attempt at making a game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Overall I think this game is really just a game. That means that the attempt to make it was noble, and I appreciate the risk involved in releasing it, but I'm really not so sure that it's likable. If I only had ten games to remember throughout the course of the coming year, this would more than likely not be on the list. However, for those who want to see something different, I would say go ahead and check it out, since story and graphics may not be such a big deal to everyone. However, I personally wouldn't recommend this one to anyone who has very little time or patience on his or her hands."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This one's worth a shot. Shot in the dark, yes, but a shot none the less. If you like the usual no-brain-required type game, go for it! If you're the kind of guy who has to think constantly, go play Sheep Rancher some more."
Planetoid Pengiuins by Klobber
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Not complete, and not as good as a certain other penguin game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Iceman
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Planetoid Penguins is a refreshing mix of RPG and humor with a Wandering Hamster sort of style. I found it entertaining."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D
    "When everything boils down to substance, this game seems to be lacking the rich ingredients. I think I could best compare it to McDonald's. Essentially, it's got enough to satisfy the hunger, but it ain't all that great. Oh well, at least it's cheap. So, play it if you want to laugh (with the game, and at it), but you won't be missing a whole lot if you let it go for now. The decision is yours, and yours alone. Make it or break it. Sing it or wing it. Okay, this just made me stupid. Sorry."
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon by Moonbuggie
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This might have been bad a scripting error prevents you from finishing the demo. Very lame, Moon Buggie."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by sephy99
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "It takes everything... and even some things that shouldn't have been taken (like graphics) But it is still enjoyable... and if you have seen Sailor Moon then it makes it better."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Silverwolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "Frankly, I don't like Sailor Moon, but this game kicked Spirit Master's ass. And to satisfy the needs of all you Sailor Moon haters out there who are reading this and saying 'Wha!?' I will add this comment for you: Perhaps a more appropriate title for this game would be Sailor Moon: Return of an RPG that has been created many times before."
Project Turtle Quest: Legends of Natrah! by LeRoy_Leo
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "This game reeks of newbie-ism. Plain and simple. The turtle graphics look alright... that's the only good thing I can say about it."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "It might be bad, but let's face it, it's no Buggamon. I'd only reccomend this game as a refference to the item system. Who knows, if he cleans up the grammer, graphics, and sound, it may become worth it. But in it's current state... Bluch!"
Project `C` by SDHawk
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 1 hour 00 minutes
    Overall : C
    "" 'C' is for cookie, that's good enough for me...""
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Tsunamidog
    Play Time: hours 30 minutes
    Overall : F
    "If you wish to be bored, play this game. "
Purgatory100% by Friend
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Setu_Firestorm
    Play Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Can you see what lurks in the darkness?"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Camdog
    Play Time: 3 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "With work, it could be one of the OHR's best. As it stands now, it's too uneven for greatness. Still, it's way fun and well worth the download even in its current incarnation."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Dan the Man Entertainment
    Play Time: 3 hours 1 minute
    Overall : A+
    "Any Final Thoughts? No. This game rules!!!"
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A
    "An excellent game, just do your best not to be scared away by the difficult battles and tedious puzzles. I can assure you, though, that it is worth the wait to make it to the end. "
  Review #5
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Can you make it to the end?"
Put on Shoes - Limited Edition Box Set *SOLD OUT* by Squall
Average Grade: A+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 239 hours 48 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "How many can YOU put on?"
Query Part II- What Am I? by JSH357
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: 6 hours 12 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "If you can recall Query I, you would know that it was a game that became popular before Zantetsuken's OHR Forums were taken off the site. Query I made JSH a famous game designer in my eyes, and Query II's currently doing that."
Quest for Arranong: Demo Version by The Pheonix
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "This "quest" will leave you confused and bored."
The Quest of the Cheese Penguin by Blaze
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Next time I ask you for a favor, remember, I played this game for more than an hour, so you didn't have to. You owe me."
R by The Wobbler
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fenrir-Lunaris
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "....They must have been.

In any case, this is a very short game, and considering the time constraints PHC was under, he did surprisingly well."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Xerian
    Play Time: 0 hours 12 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Grimace is actually purple and he can talk too. "
  Review #3
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "The game has good things going for it. And some bad. A very average game with some great things you will definitely enjoy!"
R by The Wobbler
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 2+ hours minutes
    Overall : C-
    "If there was ever a game to rival Arfenhouse's madness and mayhem, then this would be it for sure."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 2 hours -- minutes
    Overall : A-
    "A simply hilarious OHR game. Get it, now, and prepare to laugh for a long time. "
  Review #3
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
    Overall : A
    "One of the funniest games available to the OHR Community, and worth playing- but play the original and Totally Gihern first!"
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Tsunamidog
    Play Time: 2 hours 00 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Download it! It's hilarious! One of the funniest OHR games yet!"
R by The Wobbler
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : B+
    ""You've selected Ninja Walrus Man. It is said that this walrus entered the world through a portal in the Forest of Resurrection. He uses Dark Energy and Ultra Ninjitsu to demolish all that stand in his way, living or dead. His body is made of doom.""
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Moogle1
    Play Time: 1 hour 0 minutes
    Overall : B
    "It won't help you learn how to cook, but it is 95% guaranteed to make you laugh. The other 5% of you really need to get your blood pressure checked."
R by The Wobbler
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 30+ minutes
    Overall : A-
    "A game that has surpassed Arfenhouse by so much. A must play OHR game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "After you play episode one, you might as well quit. Though there are a few funny parts after that, they are to few and far between to go searching for. "
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 40 minutes
    Overall : C
    "Honestly, it's a lot more of the same, but still somewhat entertaining."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 0 hours 25 minutes
    Overall : C
    "You decide how you want to spend a half hour of your life."
R by The Wobbler
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours 5 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "PHC, this is a serious step down for the creator of War of the Food and Return of the Crystals. You have broken my heart. ={
  Review #2
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 1-3 minute
    Overall : C
    "It isn't Walthros, which is PHC's best area, however it is a pleasant game to play that isn't as serious as the other ones out there."
Radar Rat Race RPG by Komera
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by no_shot
    Play Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
    Overall : A
    "I want to see more of this...or a sequel...or something. Maybe I'm really satisfied with the way it is, but I was so impressed with it I think I'm actually not. I just wish it hadn't been so short!"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: 0 hours 14 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "It’s a tech demo, not a game. Game’s usually have things like engaging stories, tasks to do, and a sense of purpose. Because of the incomplete nature of RRRRPG, it lacks all of these things."
Rampaging Guinea Pig (48hours entry) by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 6 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Puzzle games are showing they can rival the OHR's infinite RPG list! And this game and a few others are showing that more and more!"
Realm of the Mystics by Mattgamerr
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "This is embarrassing. I have no idea why this was sent in."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "I don't think this is even a game at all. On the mountain there's monsters and that blond guy, but once off the mountain there's nothing but vast emptiness.... well, there's that mysterious place with what I think is a hut, but there's nothing more than that..... vast nothingness...."
redacted (6) by Onlyoneinall
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Fernurion
    Play Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "A game for the Teens, or anyone who is into rather disturbing people and body functions."
redacted 4 by Onlyoneinall
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Hit List Person Name Curse: Xerian Master I didn't like his game. (less than one hour)"
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Proving once again, that graphics don't make the game."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Artmaker
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Rather a blah. Music is it's only oustanding flaw, aside frim a dead story, but nothing about it seems impressive either. I will watch the next release closesly to see how well Xerian Master is able to solve these problems, most would be simple."
The Relics of Ladon by Cube
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Damn it Cube! Stop making these mediocre games and work up to your potential! I KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "I like this game for the most part. Rather, I'd like to see where it's going. I will say that for all the hope I had going into it, I didn't finish it feeling completely satisfied. However, I still found elements worth playing with and even thinking about, so I'll recommend it for educational purposes, and possibly even for some entertainment value. But I'd bank more on the education right now since the story isn't very interesting yet. Not too bad otherwise."
Resistance by Mr B
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Not bad for a game that's less then 100 kb big. Give it a try, it'll only take 15 minutes."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "Do not make an error that Mr. B(and many other OHRers) make. Gametesting is a very vital part of creation. Keep trying! You did fine, but not well enough."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 15 minutes
    Overall : D+
    "A decent piece of history, but outdated none-the-less."
Riot by 4 of a Mind
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Stay clear of this one folks, it's a wreck of tag errors, poor spelling, and uninteresting gameplay."
Rise of the Dragon Slayers by Stargames Software
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Well drawn graphics and gripping plot (in theory only) redeem this demo. Maybe the next release will have its act together..."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by HarlockHero
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "One of the worst games available for any platform, anywhere. The sole intent of every single element of this game's story, combined with its mind-numbing music is to irreversibly cloud your mind. Only play it if you wish to test your resolve to live. I barely made it through myself because of my ability to see the eye of the fish. Only those true to their wa can come through unscathed."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "For those who love great graphics, this game is a great choice to add to your collection. But, for anyone who cares about substance, then maybe it would be better to pass this one by. But, then again, this is the summer, so if Hollywood can pass off eye glitter and shallow plots as entertainment, then maybe the OHR can do it too."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by T-Master
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Plain and simple, this wasn't ready to be released. The plot is incoherent and shallow; the gameplay is very poor. Thankfully, this isn't a long game, because I don't know how much more of it I could take. My advice would be to avoid this like the plague."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by Psyco2000
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Not good. Not good at all! To Hell with the plague, avoid this one like the Apocalypse! But we can always blame this one on Richard Simmons."
  Review #6
     Reviewed by Matrix7
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "A very nice game that is well worth the incredibly small download time (thank God for WinZip). I would suggest this to anyone who is an RPG fan and not extremely picky though. Very nice work."
  Review #7
     Reviewed by Iceman
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Overall, I'd say we've got a real winner on our hands, here."
Robot Game by Rolling Stone
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 1 minute
    Overall : F-
    "Trully a game that had a lot of potential..."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 1-2 minute
    Overall : D
    "For the few seconds it is, it isn't horrible. Considering it is under 20kb, you can't really waste your time downloading it. So why not, play it. But this one isn't nearly as fulfulling as Gilbert's other games. "
RockStar by boxedwizard
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 10 minutes
    Overall : F
    "This game is one of those games you'd play to see how far a game maker has gone, not how he's doing now."
Run Run Zombie Revoloution by SDHawk
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by jabbercat
    Play Time: hours 40 minutes
    Overall : D+
Sailor Moon: Another Dimension by David De Leon
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Another boring and pointless fan game. I don't know why so many of these things come out."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Okay, now for the big one. What can one really expect from a Sailor Moon game? If a fan picks this game up and gives it a serious chance, he or she may be pleasantly surprised. However, if a non-fan picks this game up and gives it a would be wise to lock all doors and board up all windows, and hope he doesn't come looking for a way to break tension. So, to sum up the scores for the game's overall appeal, eight-year-old girls would gladly give it a ten, but guys like me would say four at the absolute best. The kid loved it, but I cheered when it was over. Anyway, here's the combined score..."
Santa Goes Extreme By Snodrvr And by Gizmog1
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 7 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Jingle bells, Santa wants revenge. He hates the kids whove been bad and wants to praise the kids are good in this neighborhood, Hey! Hehe."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by P
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "The authors are holding back. I would've enjoyed this game better if it was longer and more developed."
Scarface 2: The Reckoning by Product of Insanity
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "The first mafia guy you fight bites you. He BITES you! What's up with that? The game is somewhat entertaining.... if the graphics were better, I'd say it was taken straight out of "I Made Dis" due to it's lack of any true focus."
Scarface 3: Beyond Thunderdome by Product of Insanity
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Velduanga
    Play Time: 0 hours 32 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "If was to be funny, I'd laugh. But if it was suppose to be game, I'd still laugh, but not in the same way."
Scary Game by Moogle1
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "This is not recommended for anyone looking for an actual RPG game, but is recommended to everyone who wants something with solid replayability. The only thing it really needs to make it better is more stuff and more gameplay. Otherwise, it's a quite good game."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Almost as entertaining as the real Halloween, though not nearly as spooky."
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : F
    "This game is both funny and retarded, but more of the latter. Don't take it seriously, or you won't enjoy it. For the five minutes it is, it is a decent five minutes. I won't say whether it merits a download or can decide for yourself. "
Seizure Inducer by T-Master
Average Grade: D+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Overall, a nice addition to the OHR's small library of puzzle games."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Bobert41
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Don't play this game whether you have epilepsy or not. If you like having seizures, though, go ahead! It's loads of fun!"
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Entertaining, but how long can you play it?"
The Seventh Day by Shadowiii
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 2 hours -- minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Trully an accomplishment for it's time frame. Definitely worth your time."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by junahu
    Play Time: 1 hour 0 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "In an Religious Studies exam, this would be worth 4 marks. To the OHR this is worth a lot more."
Shadowiii vs Santa Barbara Airport DX by Shadowiii
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 5+ minutes
    Overall : C-
    "Not as good as Shadowiii's previous joke game(s), but this is certainly a game to check out."
Shagler's Adventure by Wade Kallhoff/Lucas Tetrick
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Ugimoo
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "I hope this game is a demo! DO NOT PLAY, UNLESS TORTURED."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Now I would never say something like 'Don't Play this game!' But I just want to say, This is a poor example of a game. My thoughts for this game were short...That's not good."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Namyak
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "We all have that first, newbie game that we all wish we had never made. "Shagler's Adventure" is TK Software's."
Sheep Rancher by Moogle1
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dalaran
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "If you want to save the world look somewhere else, but if you want to save sheep, this is your game! (puzzle)"
Shifter by Bagne
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: 0 hours 25 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Even though I’m rating this game much higher than it probably deserves, I think there are way too many hidden gems among the mess of inconsistency to justify overlooking it. I’m dissatisfied with the overall presentation (largely because I don’t want to edit somebody’s game in order to play it), but the graphics, the music, the dialogue, and the gimmicks are far too clever to pass this one over. It’s a hefty download, but great for ideas, so take a chance on Moris Shifter. You might be glad you did…maybe.

Thought of the Day:

Moris, the star, has no arms. Kloddwick, the buddy, has a head that disappears into big shoulders.

Has somebody been watching too much Homestar Runner lately?
Siv: The Journey of an Egg by Tantalus Spade and Synial
Average Grade: B
Ska-Drummer Man RPG by BenjI
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : C
    "A good game, needs improvement in certain areas, but then again, this is a demo, and lot's of demos change over time. I hope this one does as well."
Soulfire by Adam
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "This game was rushed, and it sucks because of it."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Devin
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "The only thing giving this a 2.0, is the okay graphics. I wouldn't recommend this game. It wouldn't be that hard to find a better ohr game then this one to play."
Spellshard: The Black Crown of Horgoth by Kenji Murasame
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 4 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : B
    "Oldschool role-playing at it's best."
Spirit Master by Daimen
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "For everything this game is, the overall effort manages to underwealm me. Play it once, then get on with your life."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by SilverWolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Overall, when we look at this game, it is fair to say "Bugamon Quest has a new rival!" I guess if you like good art you would want to play this game, but beware, a boring plot lurks around these spiffy graphics. Basically, the best part of this game was it's cool name. 1.0/10 "
SpyJim - Episode I: Fatal Attraction by Moogle1
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by hireintelligence
    Play Time: hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Any Final Thoughts?
More like have YOU got any final thoughts?

Eagerly awaiting spyjim2
I advise anyone reading this to download and play post-haste if you're interested in a good original humourous role-playing game. And by game I mean game."
Star Trek: Alternate Reality by Taeloz
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Good idea, but dumb characters, slow battles, and a total lack of effort blew this straight to heck. Try again."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Iceman
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Overall, I think that this was a pretty good game and worth playing."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by sephy99
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : C
    "Not a game that is extremely bad, but not a game that is worth my time. With a little work it could be good though."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by Silverwolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "I highly reccommend playing this game, unless you don't like a highly developed plot, good gameplay, and good graphics."
Stoneset Saga: Quest for the Unbeloved by Product of Insanity
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Rolling Stone
    Play Time: 0 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : A
    "For all it's comedy, it also creates a brilliant commentary on the Vietnam war, which is especially important for people to understand as we stand in the eve of another bunk war. As this planet of ours flies slowly towards the sun, we have to remember that the billion year reign of plant and animal life is a beautiful time to live in and that, hey, let's treat each other with a little more kindness you know. We're in this together and we can't waste our lives killing each other for "the juice" as Mad Max would say."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Hachi-Roku
    Play Time: 0 hours 5 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Product of Insanity, indeed."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Xerian
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "Hmm... Rolling Stone was right. The ending did catch me off guard."
Stop by Shadowiii
Average Grade: B+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Meatballsub
    Play Time: 1 hour minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Stop is a great introduction to a game that could have proved to be one of the better OHR games released in a long time. "
Super Concentration Headache Master Pro by Moogle1
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 97 hours 26 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Aspirin, please. "
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Fenrir-Lunaris
    Play Time: 0 hours 4 minutes
    Overall : B+
(blood pours from mouth for no good reason)"
Super Mario & Friends Adventure by Mintendo
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Dr. Baconman
    Play Time: 0 hours 11 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "I seriously don't recommend this game unless if you dislike Random Battles and enjoy frustrating Dodging of NPCs."
Super Riz RPG: The Silent Savior by It is the Riz
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Battleblaze
    Play Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "It was worth the download. Funny and charming at times. This is one of those overlooked games that deserves a double take."
Supernerds V.S. The Goth Kult by MadChaz & Roham
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Cody Watts
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "If you're going to submit a game to be reviewed, check it over first! You only get one chance to make a first impression, and, in my book, this moderately buggy game has made a poor one."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "It won't win any awards, but this demo reminds us all what a good newbie game is like. I'm keeping this one on my hard drive to remind me that great characters is what make a game good."
Survivor by Gnome
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by SDHawk
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : F-
    "But right climax of the plot, the demo ends. This is extremley disapointing after so many hours of solid entertainment. To put it simply, the creator had better finish this game becuase quite frankly I can't wait to see how the epic final duel with Santa Clause and Hitler ends."
Sword of Darkness update:20thJan:Plot re-written by xaero
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 40 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Hey, if boring and repetitive battles and nonexistant storyline grab your attention, be my guest and download it. I figure most of you out there aren't like that, however, and in that case just skip over it."
Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams by RPGCreations
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 10-20 hours many more minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Never give up."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 17 hours 40 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Wandering Hamster is like the official game to think of when you think of the OHR. Sword of Jade would be the official game to think of when you think of the best of the OHR."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: 16 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : B-
    "Impressive, even though it's marred by some obnoxious directorial decisions."
Tales of the New World I (v2.5 for HotOHR 2010) by msw188
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 13 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : C
    "As I've stated numerous times already, this game had very little that was really good and very little that was really bad. This game is a great example of "everything in moderation.""
the REAL CORNDOGS by wasp22
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by The Wobbler
    Play Time: hours Very few minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Wasp22, you are not funny."
This Side of the World by Leonhart
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "The title doesn't make a whole lot of sense."
Threads of Time by Alexander
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D+
    "Even though this game has good potential, it's too unfinished (even as a demo) to call it a classic. Maybe an update will tell a different tale."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : D-
    "A promising start fails because the creator didn't want to play his own game. And if he didn't bother to play it, why should you?"
Tilde and the Mask of :P by Rinku
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : B
    "A good game that is worth the year wait. Play it and relive the past Christmas."
Time Flies by Fortis
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 2 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "Excellent job. There are a couple of problems here and there, but nothing that isn't easily fixed. If you like RPGs, you will like this."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 3 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Time flies like an eagle, fruit flies like a banana. "
  Review #3
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 2 hours 00 minutes
    Overall : A
    "Trully one of the best games I have played in a long time, on any system."
  Review #4
     Reviewed by junahu
    Play Time: 2 hours 00 minutes
    Overall : B+
    "Get this now. What? you don't want to? Shut up and download it before I send a boss spider after you."
Time Tempest by Chronarius
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Eagtile
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F
    "Sorry... there's almost nothing to do in this game... according to a readme included with the game, the creator just threw something together after realizing the ohrrpgce would not support the kind of stuff they wanted in their game. That's too bad, with more work, the game *could* have been good."
Timestream Saga Second Edition by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 2+ hours minutes
    Overall : A
    "A demo that keeps you wanting more! Finish this masterpiece Fenrir!"
To be a Hero by Jjkaybomb
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
    Play Time: 0 hours 6 minutes
    Overall : D
    "People who are obsessed with anime scare me."
Town Traveler (new screenshot not part of game yet) by Linkmax
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 25 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Possibly the worst game ever released, this week."
Trailblazers by Retrogamer
Average Grade: A+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Moogle1
    Play Time: 0 hours 30 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "A rarity among OHR games. It totally 0wnz you, but you'll find yourself continually coming back for more punishment."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by MultiColoredWizard
    Play Time: Noriko: 2 hours, Brinks: 1.3 hours for S.Kikraizer: 30 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Seriously, Retro, you totally need to keep making this and the NES-OHR junkies will love you fo-eva. There are also the plotscripters who will work for endless hours trying to figure out things like how long it took you to code this or how many variables you used.

An OHR great, and I reccomend it to all of you."
Tri-Tear Revolution by Sparoku
Average Grade: F+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Velduanga
    Play Time: 1 hour 1 minute
    Overall : F+
    "This is newbie game, no doubt about it. So don't expect anything impressive or different in here. "
tribal fury by venxz
Average Grade: C+
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Gizmog1
    Play Time: 0 hours 6 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "Probably worth a few of your minutes, if you can understand the deep psychological theme Venxz is conveying. Otherwise, probably not even worth a quick playthrough."
Triple Triad by Grandtrain
Average Grade: B-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by djfenix
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "It looks, to me, like Grandtrain only started this game, and quickly released it to show the rest of the community. Good start, but we need more features to it."
Verdimea by Calehay
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Iblis
    Play Time: 0 hours 40 minutes
    Overall : F+
    "Don't bother, at least not yet."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 0 hours 40 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "Calehay attempts something new, but ends up making a game just like every other one."
Vikings Of Midgard by Fenrir-Lunaris
Average Grade: A
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Meatballsub
    Play Time: 3 hours minutes
    Overall : B+
    "I urge everyone to play this at least once. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran to the community, I think we can all learn a little something from this gem."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by MirceaKitsune
    Play Time: 48 hours 00 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Keep it up, and I hope development will continue on this project."
virtual schoolv0point5 by Shadow_outlaw_X aka Chappell J
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Pepsi Ranger
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "This game is filled with so many flaws that it's disgusting, but the humor and style more than make up for that, so I would still agree that it's worthy of a few minutes of your time. It's not like you'll waste more than twenty minutes or so playing it, so there shouldn't be any real reason to be disappointed. I will say that games like this should only be released as a full version because demos cannot do it any kind of justice, but for what it offers, it's not too bad. It's not too good either, but check it out anyway because you're not likely to see anything else like it for at least a few months."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by SilverWolf
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "Humor is the main focus on this game, and Chappell has succeeded. Fix the battles and this game would be much better. Also, make the game a little less "free". If you have some time to spare, I suggest trying this game."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : F+
    "You know what Chappell? If you want money that bad, get a job, instead of making a shitty game and thinking people will buy it."
Wally's Castle by Heather Mizuno
Average Grade: B
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "This is quite a good game that is definitely worth checking out, especially if you like Lufia."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Xerian
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B-
    "If the author adds more complicated and creative minigames, and tunes down the difficulty of the Jewel Genie, this game would lots more fun."
Walthros by The Wobbler
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 15 hours 0 minutes
    Overall : A+
    "Congratulations, Paul Harrington. You've created a masterpiece. Continue making these great games."
  Review #2
     Reviewed by Rinku
    Play Time: 8 hours 00 minutes
    Overall : C+
    "To me, any game that has at least one good point, something of value, something that it does better than other games, is worth playing -- no matter how many flaws, it if has that one thing of value, it's worth it. And Walthros has several things that make it worth it."
  Review #3
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: 8+ hours minutes
    Overall : A+
    "This is the Lord Of The Rings of the OHR. An epic to be enjoyed by all. "
  Review #4
     Reviewed by JSH357
    Play Time: hours minutes
    Overall : B
    "This is a very enjoyable and interesting game. I hope that Surlaw makes a sequel/hardtype. because I'd really love to play it. I highly recommend playing this game if you haven't already, and if you have not finished it, I recommend doing so."
  Review #5
     Reviewed by chronoboy
    Play Time: 11 hours 37 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "I may consider playing it through it a second time in the future."
Walthros: Mercenaries by The Wobbler
Average Grade: C-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Uncommon
    Play Time: 1 hour some odd minutes
    Overall : C-
Wandering Monkey by Gnome
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Blazes Battles Inc.
    Play Time: 0 hours 0.001 minutes
    Overall : F-
    "That'll teach me to download every new game on the off chance it's good. Of the last... probably ten new games, only one or two have been enjoyable, and this one has not only NOT been enjoyable, it has somehow made my life worse, as if it were anathema to enjoyment itself."
The Way of the Warrior (Final!) by doom900
Average Grade: F-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: too hours many minutes
    Overall : F-
    "It gets my vote for "worst game in the awful game contest." Too bad it wasn't an entree."
Wingedmene: Part One (v25%) by Komera and Rinku
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Aethereal
    Play Time: 13+ hours 0 minutes
    Overall : A-
    "An excellent game that plays and feels like the SNES and NES greats. Anyone who says that is a bad thing obviously needs to play those games to appreciate Wingedmene. Well done."
Winterfold : Revenge of the samurai by rpgspotKahn
Average Grade: D-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
    Play Time: hours 5 minutes
    Overall : D-
    "Not my choice game for 2004, but hey, you may like it."
Worlds 3 by A Stoki
Average Grade: D
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Ssalamanderr
    Play Time: 0 hours 20 minutes
    Overall : D
    " I wouldn't recommend downloading this until it is updated. Although the plot may be mildly interesting, there are too many flaws that keep this from becoming a fun game."
Wow, this is Awesome by Machu
Average Grade: A-
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Shadowiii
    Play Time: 0 hours 1 minute
    Overall : A-
    "Wow, this game really is awesome!"
Yo Ghost the Beginning by Lord Fyroa
Average Grade: F
  Review #1
     Reviewed by Spoon Weaver
    Play Time: hours 27 minutes
    Overall : F
    "The game seemed very, very, incomplete. Like something you think up and then realize it's an awful idea and so never work on it again. "
Zander - English version by Leo
Average Grade: C
  Review #1
     Reviewed by msw188
    Play Time: 4 hours 22 minutes
    Overall : C
    "Battling is tedious, especially early on, and the character graphics are kind of bad, but the world is very well-presented and seems rich with culture and characters. Healycap is a good name for a curing technique."

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