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        AW - Unsettling Theme by Rimudora
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        AW - The Steel Angel's Frenzy by Rimudora
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Castle Paradox Rules & Policies

Last Revised 8/30/05

The terms of use listed below apply to all users of the Castle Paradox forum, are subject to change without notice, and are open for discussion. Please read through the entire list before posting, uploading games, or writing reviews. Thank you.

I. Forum Rules and Policies

It should be noted that Rules must be strictly adhered to and members will be harshly punished when said rules are broken--no exception. Policies are general guidelines established by the Mods and Admins to help keep visits to Castle Paradox enjoyable.

This DOES NOT mean Policies can be disregarded. Admins will be less stringent on Policies but reserve the right to distribute punishment accordingly. Familiarize yourself with these Rules and Policies. Non-compliance will usually result in a warning or a ban.

II. Punishments

Violation of these Terms can result in several forms of punishment, as listed below:

Warning - Normally reserved for minor offenses or a reassertion of the rules.

Warnings can be issued publicly in the thread that the violation occurred or in Private Message to alert the user of their behavior.

Users are expected to take such a Warning very seriously. It means the behavior in question is unacceptable and future violations will lead to a higher penalty.

Probation - This punishment is earned after repeated misbehavior and blatant neglect of previous Warnings.

The user is given some time away from Castle Paradox to re-familiarize him/herself with these Rules and Policies while reflecting upon their offense.

A grace period, whose duration is determined by the Admins, will follow the removal of probation during which the user's comprehension of these rules must be displayed through revised behavior; otherwise, further punishment will ensue.

Ban - Immediate removal of all access to Castle Paradox

If, during the grace period following a probation, a user commits an additonal violation, he/she is elligable for permanent ban, pending the approval of the current Admins.

The user will immediately be placed back on probation pending the Admins' decision

ISP Alert - Written complaint to offender's ISP

In the event of repeat serious offenses, such as ban evasion, Castle Paradox will inform your ISP of abuse.

Castle Paradox will not hesitate to alert an ISP, which may result in a raise in the expense of Internet Service or, in some cases, complete loss of the user's Internet Service.

III. The Rules

No Spamming

Use discretion when posting. Posts should stay on topic and should, as a general rule, contain more than 1 sentence. Excessive posting or thread creation will be dealt at the Moderator's discretion.

No Flaming or Trolling

Flaming is defined as insulting criticisms or remarks made to incite anger while trolling is defined as posting material designed to get get others to attack you, in turn inciting flame wars and/or riots. Though Castle Paradox encourages healthy discussion and debate, there comes a point where insults turn personal, and this is strongly discouraged via the public forum, public journals, private message, and the IRC channel.

No Sexual or Obscene content

Castle Paradox is used by members of all ages. Overly explicit content is not acceptable in any public forums or journals. This includes any images of a pornographic or extremely graphic, offensive nature as well as excessive use of foul language. You will get warned and possibly banned.

No Illegal Activity

Do not start a topic that encourages illegal activites. This may include (but isn't limited to) asking for warez and illegal materials.

IV. The Game List

Castle Paradox takes no responsibility for the games uploaded by it's users. Upon uploading a game, the user has certified ownership of said game and is granting Castle Paradox permission to freely distribute said game. Castle Paradox does not retain any right to any games uploaded by it's users, nor does it claim ownership of any kind, unless otherwise specified. Castle Paradox does not guarantee the content of uploaded games to be virus/spyware free nor appropriate for all ages. Use discretion when downloading and playing these games.

All games are subject to immediate deletion.

Although a Delete Game button may appear in future versions of Castle Paradox, currently only Admins can delete game entries. The deletion of a game does not guarantee it's removal from Castle Paradox's server, as all games are subject to daily electronic backups and weekly hard copy burns.

Once reviewed, game entries are no longer considered for deletion. Game files may be altered and authors can request file removal. However, the game entry cannot be changed to accommodate an entirely different game and users will be warned if this occurs.

Castle Paradox does not support the free distribution of commercial games. Any users found uploading pirated software will be immediately banned and the software removed.

V. The Review List

All reviews are property of their respective author. Submitted reviews must be accepted by Castle Paradox Admins prior to public display. Reviews can be edited by their author at any time, but must be reaccepted if the review is already public. Prior to acceptance, all changes made are transparent to the public. Once accepted, alterations to the review are shown as subsequent revisions and prior versions are still available.

VI. The Song List

Castle Paradox takes no responsibility for the songs uploaded by it's users. Upon uploading a song, the user has certified ownership of said song and is granting Castle Paradox permission to freely distribute said song. Castle Paradox does not retain any right to any songs uploaded by it's users, nor does it claim ownership of any kind, unless otherwise specified. Castle Paradox does not guarantee the content of uploaded songs to be virus/spyware free nor appropriate for all ages. Use discretion when downloading and playing these songs.

All songs are subject to immediate deletion.

Currently, Castle Paradox supports the following formats:

  • BAM: .bam
  • MIDI: .mid
  • MP3: .mp3
  • OGG: .ogg
  • WAV: .wav

Although a Delete Song button may appear in future versions of Castle Paradox, currently only Admins can delete song entries. The deletion of a song does not guarantee it's removal from Castle Paradox's server, as all songs are subject to daily electronic backups and weekly hard copy burns.

Castle Paradox does not support the free distribution of commercial music. Any user found uploading pirated songs will be immediately banned and the songs removed.

VII. Journals

All public journal posts must adhere to rules above. Journals are self moderated and Castle Paradox makes no guarantee to the appropriateness of private posts.

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