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NQM&M - Promotions

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Joined: 31 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:50 pm    Post subject: NQM&M - Promotions Reply with quote

So I was going over why I always seem to be stuck in a rut when it comes to creating games. Then it hit me - I never leave any room for the player to make any significant choices about where they go, whether that's in terms of plot or character design. I'm planning on doing a little experiment, then; one inspired in no small part by Might and Magic 6 and 7.

As it stands now, I have the heroes "named" and "created", which is to say I've named them in the RPG file and have assigned matching tags, weapons, and so forth. I've also got a spreadsheet listing which combinations of first and second promotions lead to which third and fourth jobs.

Anyhow, what I've got to work on right now is this:

0 - Default Hero - This is where the name is stored. I will need to develop a script that reads the name from here and applies it to the hero that gets swapped in upon promotion.

1 - Fighter - A student of all martial weaponry, the fighter's lack of magical ability is made up for in superior resistance, defense, and health. The Fighter (and all classes with at least one RED component) may use all three basic weapons, of which he starts with the Simple Sword, and is permitted to use the White Sword when he receives it. Fighters gaining a RED promotion become Gladiators, a YELLOW promotion leads to a Paladin, and BLUE will create a Lancer.

2 - Cleric - An acolyte of the school of Trinas, the cleric's focus is more on skills that affect the battle indirectly instead of dealing raw damage. Trinas, however, teaches that sometimes brute force is needed to overcome problems (and subsequently, the Cleric will have strong attack and defense, moderate HP, and weak Magic and Resistance). The Cleric (and all classes with at least one YELLOW component) may use the basic Simple Hammer, and is permitted to use the Heavy Hammer when he receives it. In addition, the Cleric (and all classes with at least one YELLOW component) may learn and cast Basic Divine Magic, which includes healing and status effect spells. Clerics gaining a RED promotion become Paladins, YELLOW is Priest, and BLUE is Druid.

3 - Mage - A scholar of the school of Quader, the mage's focus is on spells that deal damage. With the study and practice that is required to be a scholar of Quader, Mages typically have high magic power and resistance, moderate defense and speed, and low attack. The Mage starts with the basic Simple Staff, and may use the Emerl Staff once they receive it. In addition, the Mage (and all classes with at least one BLUE component) may learn and cast Basic Arcane Magic, which includes direct damage and buff/debuff spells. Mages gaining a RED promotion become Lancers, YELLOW is Druid, and BLUE is Wizard.

THE PROBLEM: Promotion of a Caster currently either grants all lower-grade spells (for those going pure - Priest and Wizard), or else must relearn "their" spells (Lancer, Paladin, Druid). I will need to design and implement a script that overcomes this by reading the old hero's spells, finding the new hero's matching skill group, and enabling the spells that were enabled on the old hero. (This is NOT a problem for Monks, as they must forsake all they knew in order to become one with Nothing.)

And now: The rest of the story:

Fighter + Fighter = Gladiator
Fighter + Cleric = Paladin
Fighter + Mage = Lancer

Cleric + Fighter = Paladin
Cleric + Cleric = Priest
Cleric + Mage = Druid

Mage + Fighter = Lancer
Mage + Cleric = Druid
Mage + Mage = Wizard

Any + Monk = Monk

Gladiator + Fighter = Cavalier
Gladiator + Cleric = Crusader
Gladiator + Mage = Archeologist

Paladin + Fighter = Crusader
Paladin + Cleric = Medic
Paladin + Mage = Captain

Lancer + Fighter = Archeologist
Lancer + Cleric = Captain
Lancer + Mage = Battle Mage

Paladin + Fighter = Crusader
Paladin + Cleric = Medic
Paladin + Mage = Captain

Priest + Fighter = Medic
Priest + Cleric = High Priest
Priest + Mage = High Druid

Druid + Fighter = Captain
Druid + Cleric = High Druid
Druid + Mage = Channeler

Lancer + Fighter = Archeologist
Lancer + Cleric = Captain
Lancer + Mage = Battle Mage

Druid + Fighter = Captain
Druid + Cleric = High Druid
Druid + Mage = Channeler

Wizard + Fighter = Battle Mage
Wizard + Cleric = Channeler
Wizard + Mage = Arch Mage

Monk + Monk = Initiate

Cavalier promotes to Champion
Crusader promotes to Hero
Archeologist promotes to Runeseeker
Medic promotes to War Medic
Captain promotes to General
Battle Mage promotes to Warrior Mage
High Priest promotes to Cardinal
High Druid promotes to Grand Druid
Channeler promotes to Medium
Arch Mage promotes to Lich
Initiate promotes to Abbot
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Look like you've put some serious thought into this! I wanted to do something silmilar to this a while back, but didn't get around to it. You, sir, have moved me.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This sounds really cool. I like how the classes compound into new ones, and how it allows for multiple entries into the advanced classes. Keep us informed!
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Joined: 31 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right now, I need to focus on three things:

1) The name-replacement script
2) Figuring out stats for the three base classes
3) Making the actual game
A broken clock is still right twice a day.
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