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Castle Paradox
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 1) 5 hits
+5 Armored Devil by BlastedEarth
 2) 4 hits
+4 Gauntlets of the Dragon by Scython reaper
+4 Erabound by Mezase Master
 3) 3 hits
+3 Final Fantasy H by Fenrir-Lunaris
+3 Trailblazers by Retrogamer
Game is in demo stage
Download: 541 KB Added Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:23 pm
Total Download count: 372
Number of reviews: 2
Average Grade: F
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 0.0000
Your rating:
Description [-]
Ok, this is my first game using the OHR. . . It's an ongoing project, so you can expect updates regularly! Oh, yeah! I finally have music! If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at:

Download Stats [+]

Review # 1
  Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: F-
  "This game was rushed, and it sucks because of it."
Review # 2
  Reviewed by Devin
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: F
  "The only thing giving this a 2.0, is the okay graphics. I wouldn't recommend this game. It wouldn't be that hard to find a better ohr game then this one to play."

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